Super Easy Reindeer Biscuits, an ideal snack to make at Christmas time. Perfect to make with your children for them to take along to end of year school and kindy break-up parties.

Are you stuck for ideas for your children’s end of year class and kindy parties? A friend of mine shared these cute Christmas Reindeer Biscuits. I thought they looked adorable and would make a great ‘bring a plate’ party food for the kids end of school parties. I made some for a celebration we had recently with friends and I think they are just adorable! Another great thing about these Christmas Reindeer Biscuits is that your kids can help you because there aren’t too many ingredients involved – which means less mess!

They Christmas Reindeer Biscuits are very easy to make with very few ingredients – just the way I like it!

Simply spread biscuit with Nutella, then place strawberries and cream lollies as nose, choc chips as eyes and tiny teddies as antlers.

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christmas reindeer biscuits

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  • 1 packet milk arrowroot biscuits
  • Nutella
  • Packet tiny teddies
  • Packet strawberries and cream lollies
  • Bag or choc chips


  1. spread biscuit with Nutella
  2. place strawberries and cream lollies as the nose
  3. chocolate chips as eyes
  4. tiny teddies as antlers
  5. Enjoy!
A very quick, easy and I think adorable Christmas Reindeer Biscuit. The kids can make these for end of school year party day!

A friend of mine sent me this photo of the Christmas Reindeer Biscuits she made with her daughter for her school class party. She used melted chocolate instead of nutella, which I think is a fabulous idea and probably less mess than nutella when transporting!

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.