Helpful Tips

Organised people weren't born organised, I know I didn't start picking dirty clothes off my floor and keeping the kitchen tidy until I was well into my 20's!! It's all about creating a system and routine that works for you. Below are some of my helpful tips you may enjoy.

Cleaning Tips

Keeping control of the home can become overwhelming, especially when you have young kids to look after or a busy full-time job. Don’t allow it to get the better of you. Waking up to a clean home is always a great start to the day, it really helps with your mindset.

  • MAKE IT EASY – for yourself by having all cleaning essentials on hand, see what’s in my cleaning kit.
  • DO THIS EVERY DAY – One job you should never fail to complete each day is this, it should only take you 10-15 minutes.  If you manage to make this a regular part of your evening routine it should help your mornings run smoothly
  • CLEANING ROUTINE – Create a cleaning routine that suits you. Use The Organised Housewife Cleaning Checklist to help you remember all the tasks that need completing in your cleaning routine.
  • TIPS TO CLEAN THE OVEN – One of the most horrid cleaning jobs is the oven, but it will be so much easier by following these steps every few weeks.
  • I CAN’T DO WITHOUT – my super easy to make and budget-friendly reusable homemade antibacterial wipes.

Organising Tips

Being organised has helped me take the chaos out of many situations.  It saves time because I can easily locate items, eliminates stress, helps to keep the house look tidy which is always a motivation to keep it tidy and clean.

  • MEAL PLAN – Learn how to meal plan each week, to help eliminate the 5pm what’s for dinner rush to the shop, plus you will learn it can save you money and possibly get your partner to help with cooking some meals (wouldn’t that be nice!).
  • CREATING A TIDY PANTRY – See how I keep my pantry organised using some simple storage ideas.
  • MY FAVOURITE ORGANISING TRICK – this one truly helps my sanity and would have to be the #1 tips on how I keep organised.
  • KEEP ONE OF THE MESSIEST CUPBOARDS CLUTTER FREE – keep this space efficient as possible, so you can easily access the things you need to use. 
how to organise under the kitchen sink cupboard

More Helpful Tips

  • ROUTINES – Learn about creating routines, it really helps to eliminate chaos and stress.  It helps the kids to understand my expectations and teaches them habits that will help them through a particular task.
  • KIDS RESPONSIBILITIES – Get the kids to help around the house, and read the list of age-appropriate chores for kids.
  • KIDS LUNCHBOXES – Take some time to do a big bake up and fill the freezer with some freezer-friendly lunchbox ideas so you have on hand some yummy homemade treats, muffins, cookies for the kids.

About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.