We didn’t go away this Easter, the kids are relaxing at home and taking it easy getting over what was a very busy term. I had minor surgery on my leg last week and with doctors orders I am still to keep off my foot, it’s giving me some grief. I must admit I have whined quite a bit to those that will listen, as I am really frustrated about having to keep my leg elevated, I don’t do sitting still well, however I do see the positive and grateful side of it. The kids and Scott have looked after me very very well.
Whilst I couldn’t walk around I took the opportunity to work on something that has been on my to-do list for a good 12 months. This past 7 days I switched off my social media, emails and a few other distractions and worked really really hard to start and finish it, and finish it I did! Can you see what I’ve been up to? Do you notice anything different? Eek, the blog has a fresh new look!! It’s had a few bugs in it recently, these are all fixed, but most importantly…. this new look is mobile friendly, so you can now view The Organised Housewife blog on your mobile phone is so much easier, navigations through the menu bar is simpler and there are sharing buttons on the bottom of the post on the mobile version now too, so you can pin to pinterest or share posts to facebook!
I would love to hear your thoughts on what you think about the new look
Please share them in the comments below
This was my 1st business goal for 2016, complete!! Fingers crossed today goes smoothly, please let me know if you come across any hiccups!
Jenny Craig Update
I have been on the Jenny Craig program for 4 weeks now and wanted to update you on my progress
The meals have actually been really tasty with a great variety, my favourite was the good ole bangers and mash for dinner, Salmon Pasta Salad (pictured right) for lunch and my favourite snack is the Salted Caramel Nut Bar.
- I found being on the program has helped me eat more… as in the beginning I knew one of my issues was that I wasn’t eating enough. I stop at 10am every morning and now have a piece of fruit, then again at 3.30pm with the kids had another snack. Before I would just continue working through to lunch forgetting to eat. So I am really pleased it has helped me improve some of my bad habits.
- My consultant is really lovely and helped me with strategies for when I knew I would be eating out, I had a few breakfast’s out and she suggested I get a poached egg no bacon, then for dinner I would always be safe with fish and salad, with no sauce.
- I am proud to say I lost over 3.5kg in 4 weeks. I stuck to the program 95%, there was a weekend that I had a girls weekend away and put on a little.
However, I have decided to stop doing the program as it was suggested that I eat 2 cups of salad or vegetables with most meals at lunch and dinner. Being that I had the gastric sleeve surgery I can’t fit in their recommended servings. I am disappointed as I really did enjoy the Jenny Craig program, the accountability I had with my consultant Tracey and having my meals ready made everyday, took the thinking out of it and I just ate what I was told.
I don’t feel this is a step back, as I have learnt some strategies which I will continue with, I’ll keep you posted!
Let’s get organised in April
When I first started the blog I used to share a monthly planning post, which used to coincide with a daily task at the beginning of each month. It’s today’s task actually, which I give you in my daily newsletter and on my facebook page “Prepare for the month ahead”. Sounds easy, but what shall we plan?
Personally, by sharing this post each month it will be a great time for me to let you know how I am going, I love the accountability I have with you all!!
Accountability – March to-do list
- Find a stand up desk, I really need to look after my back more – I haven’t found a desk that was right for me and my height, so I took the advice of my friend Christina from Hair Romance and put my keyboard on a box, which is then a perfect height for me to stand up, VERY BUDGET FRIENDLY!
- Book in for my annual skin check – did this and didn’t expect they would find a melanoma. You can read more here.
- Start planning for Easter – I can’t believe Easter has come and gone already, we had a lovely time spending it with extended family.
- Get into a routine of taking my vitamins every day – I am still working on this, basically I need to place my vitamins next to the kettle so I remember!
- Cut out sugar from my coffee – haven’t been able to completely cut it out yet, I’ve cut down from 2 to 1, at the moment I’m Ok with this.
- Start a herb garden – I haven’t achieved this yet, we are currently getting the house painted and I didn’t want to plant anything new in the garden until it’s finished. I was hoping to plant some herbs before school holidays finish, but with how my leg feels there won’t be much outdoor activity these holidays.
April to-do list
This is my list of goals I want to try to do this month:
- organise a dinner date with my hubby to celebrate our 17th Wedding Anniversary, we haven’t been out just the two of us in a while so it will be nice.
- continuing to look after my health, this month I planned to get my pap smear (too much information, but keeping it real!, remember to book yours in) but I managed to fit that in last month. It is not the most pleasant, but very important not to put it off.
- write more of my moving posts for you!
- plan the next round of the 20 Days to organise and clean your home challenge.
- my laundry and pantry are driving me crazy, look into better storage solutions.
April 2016 Monthly planner page
I’ve created a printable, April 2016 Monthly planner page to help you organise your goals for the month. It has a little quote for some inspiration for you:
try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud ~ maya angelou
Click here to download – sorry this content is no longer available
Free Monthly Calendar
Use the 2016 free monthly calendar, Weekly Planner or Daily Planner to help you plan your days through the month.
Plan your month
Ideas to add the following to your calendar:
April Birthstone is: Diamond
What goals do you have this month, personally or around the home? Share them with me in the comments.
How did you go with your goals last month?