Task 47 – Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks Challenge – China, Crystal and Ornaments

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

It’s week 47 of my Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks Challenge. If you haven’t signed up yet, join me today as I help you remove all those things in your home you no longer need or use.

I used to struggle with whether to put all my beloved knick knacks, china, crystal and ornaments on display, or keep them safe away in a box instead. I ended up stumbling upon my answer via an Oprah Winfrey episode years ago, which featured these beautiful words from organising guru Peter Walsh: “If you value an item, it should get honour and respect – not be buried in dust or shoved in a plastic bag somewhere”. It turns out the answer wasn’t to display everything or store it away either, but instead to do a thorough (yet well thought out) declutter. Let me show you how…

Declutter 52 Things in 52 weeks with The Organised HousewifeView previous declutter challenge tasks here

The Declutter 52 things in 52 Week Challenge is completely FREE! I publish a new task on the blog each Wednesday. Sign up to my daily emails so you don’t miss when the next task is live. Alternatively, visit the blog each Wednesday to see the latest task.

Please share a photo of your space each week on Instagram using hashtag #declutter52 and tag @theorganisedhousewife

Decluttering Task #47

China, Crystal and Ornaments

I love to display knick knacks around my house, but I hate it to look cluttered – and by the same token I don’t want boxes of ornaments stored away in the tops of my cupboards. All that aside (despite my best intentions) these little guys seem to multiply on their own. This is why I like to declutter my china, crystals and ornaments every 12 months.

bookshelves to display photos and ornaments


Note: My definition of purge – sell, donate, repurpose or throw away items as you see fit

  • Look at your ornaments and china and see what storage solutions aren’t working.
  • Bring all these items together, grouping sentimental items together and then other items that you simply love.
  • Determine what items you haven’t used or displayed in over 12 months and consider purging them.
  • Items that you love and already have on display are a no-brainer! Give them a dust and pop them somewhere that makes you smile.
  • Pick up each of your sentimental pieces and consider this: Treat your time with the respect it so deserves otherwise part with it.
  • TIP: If you do want to purge an item, consider taking a photo so you have a visual memory.
  • Add any new and/or your current storage products that allows you even more space to showcase your memories, and consider displaying some of your ornaments in other areas of your home.
  • If you have some sentimental items that you can’t part with but don’t want to display, consider storing these in a box at the top of the wardrobe or the back of a cupboard.

With Christmas quickly approaching I have recently pulled out a few Christmas ornaments that make me feel happy and festive. I store these ornaments with my Christmas tree and decorations throughout the rest of the year.

How to declutter and organise ornaments at home


Be inspired to live large, dream big, and sparkle bright! With 52 unique affirmation cards, one for every week of the year – a wooden display stand and beautiful storage box – you can now effortlessly carry your optimism and gratitude with you wherever you go. Start sprinkling a little love and light into your life today… your future happiness and health will thank you!

Affirmation quote cards display happy

How many items have you been able to purge today?

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.