Decluttering your home, lets get back on the wagon

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Last year I challenged you each week to purge/declutter a specific item from your home.  There was a great response, so we will be continuing with these declutter challenges.  However for the new readers I want to share with you some of the tasks we have already completed.  If you completed these tasks it’s a great idea to go back over some of them to make sure you are still under control.

Task 1 – Turn coathangers

Task 2 – Soft toys

Task 3 – Organise Coffee Table

Task 4 – Remove 3 bed linens

Task 5 – Remove 5 items from under laundry sink

Task 6 – Little laundry cupboard

Task 7 – The ironing pile

Task 8 – Broom cupboard

Task 9 – Kids colouring books

Task 10 – The freezer

Task 11 – The kids wardrobe

Task 12 – Board games

Task 13 – Nail polish

Task 14 – Birthday candles

Task 15 – Contents of handbag

Task 16 – Expired beauty products

Task 17 – The Bathroom cupboard

Task 18 – Birthday Cards

Task 19 – Unused exercise equipment

Task 20 – Around your kitchen sink

Task 21 – Songs you don’t like on your ipod

Task 22 – Shoes you can’t walk in + {Review} Benjibox

Task 23 – My suitcase, only the necessities

Task 24 – Odd socks

Task 25 – Handbag collection

Task 26 – Wardrobe Cabinets

Task 27 – One Shelf

Task 28 – Junk Mail

Task 29 – Old Video Tapes

Task 30 – Broken Electrical Equipment 

Task 31 – Play Jewellery

What items do you need to declultter from your home?  Will you join us on this mission to Declutter your home?

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.