Reader Messages

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Today I would like to share with you some messages I have received from a few readers that have either emailed or left comments on the blog.  Speaking of comments…I am really behind in replying to them, so I do apologise I will hopefully get there soon.  However, I would like to thank each of you from the bottom of my heart as reading your comments, stories and gratitude makes my day and keeps me blogging, so please don’t be shy, keep them coming 🙂

This message pulled at my heart strings and absolutely encourages me to blog daily.  I wanted to share Marion’s story with you, as I know many of my readers are in a similar circumstance.  I want you to know you are not alone, you can make changes, slowly but surely like Marion……

A message from Marion

Dear Katrina,

I stumbled across your site a few weeks ago whilst looking for tips on how to organise a pantry. Since then I have been both hooked and inspired and can’t wait to read your blog each day. I live on my own and do not have any children so not all of it is relevant to me but I am so grateful for the daily hints to keep organised. Ten years ago I had breast cancer and had treatment for about 12 months, in that time due to a very unhelpful/unsupportive husband things got very disorganised at home and then a year later we separated. Since then my clutter and disorganisation has increased so much that for about the last 7 years my house has become so untidy/cluttered I have not had any one over to visit except my parents because I am too ashamed of it, and I have felt that it would be an impossibility to ever get it straight again. Now with your help and tips I have taken the first steps on the mammoth journey to re-claim my home (and my sanity). Not only do I have to tidy up and sort things out (and throw lots of things away), I need to teach myself new habits so that I keep things tidy, as in the past I have tidied only to find myself back in the same situation a month or two down the track. I even made a list to stick on my wardrobe door of things that must be put away each night before going to bed! And I make sure my dishes are done each night before going to bed. Both of these things alone are major improvements for me. I now know its just a matter of keeping at it and not getting disheartened. My goal is to have the house tidy by the end of this year (sounds like a long way off but its probably going to take that long). So thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful site – you have given me hope! And here are my answers to your questions:

1. I want to feel “ CALM “ while I’m at home.
2. I want to spend more time doing “ BEADING “ .
3. I want an area of the home where I can “ BEAD “.
4. I want to organise “MY BEDROOM“ first.
5. I always loose “IMPORTANT PAPERS“ .
6. I want to be all organised by “ CHRISTMAS 2011 “ .
7. Something that I don’t need anymore, but am having trouble parting with “SO MANY MANY THINGS!“ .

Thank you for sharing

P.S. I thought your first video was very good – good on you for being brave enough to do it!

Marion xx

A gift from Alicia

I received a valentines gift from a reader Alicia – how special is that!!!  I went to the PO Box last friday to find a parcel.  If I did manage to check the box more regularly I am sure it would of been there for valentines day.  It was filled with Sponge Bob valentines tags and necklace,  a Monthy calendar notebook, the most tiny gorgeous owl notepad on a key chain, some pens, gorgeous decorations, Kaisercraft magazines (she knows me too well, i’m an avid scrapper) and more. 

You are so sweet Alicia for thinking of me, what a kind heart you have to share these items.  Alicia is one my loyal readers always placing comments on facebook and I am sure I always see her name amongst the giveaway entries.  Thankyou so much Alicia for your support and my lovely gift 🙂

Here is a tip from Vicky

Hi there,

I was just reading your tips on drinking more water throughout the day and thought I might add my tip.

I am always telling my children that water is the most important drink that our bodies need. The only way that they are really going to consume their water for the day is by seeing me drink my water! I keep a 2L jug of water on the kitchen bench (I don’t like chilled water!) next to the kettle. When I make a coffee, get the kids something to eat/drink, unpack the dishwasher etc- there is my water waiting for me and I simple have a large glass there and then on the spot. I practice what I preach! 🙂 

When I used to work I kept a 2L bottle of water on my desk and found myself drinking this more than getting up to make a coffee.

A tip from Leisha

Hi Katrina

 Just thought I’d send you a quick email on the note of dust mite allergies.  My DS has a severe dust mite allergy (resulting in weeping eczema).  Our specialist gave us a to-do list of things to reduce the severity of eczema and thought I’d pass it on:

  1. teddies etc can go in the freezer overnight which kills them  but leaves the dead dust mites on the teddy, so pop in dryer to get them off.
  2. teddies can go just in dryer which kills and removes them
  3. dust mites hate sunlight – so when changing sheets, I pop pillow and doona/blankets on clothesline or if raining, in dryer
  4. we removed carpets in bedrooms
  5. we bought dust mite protectors for the mattress (the biggest source of dust mites), pillows and doona from Allergen.  These protectors are worth every cent.  My son now rarely gets eczema!  The protectors only need to be washed every 6-8 weeks.  When we wash protectors, we also put mattress in sun and then vac it
  6. we have an ikea lounge that has removable covers that we wash once a month and take out pillows/cushions from lounge into the sun
  7. we don’t use a special washing powder for washing – we just use warm-hot water which kills 80% of mites and sunshine kills the rest.

 Hope this helps in your quest to be dust mite free.

PS – Forgot to say – just love your blog and can’t wait to see what you’ve posted everyday!  Keep up the great work and thanks for inspiring me to be a better housewife.  Was so grateful for your back to school list – this year was the first year that I actually had everything ready, including new epipens , ventolin, antihistamine meds etc, new medic alert cards and special birthday cakes for freezer @ school (for son who is coeliac and has severe peanut allergy).  So, a BIG thank you for keeping me on track.


A tip from Carol

Hi Kat

I’ve heard that putting soft teddies overnight (bagged) in the freezer helps reduce dust mites as well. Might be worth a try! Thanks for all your tips too. Very helpful.


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.