Bread Tag Collection – Helping one little boy reach a goal

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Michael’s mum shared the story of a goal her son, classmates and teacher have.  Not sure if they can reach their goal before the end of the year (would be great if they could), but I’m happy to help and I’ve started collecting! Can you help Michael and his classmates reach their goal? ~ Kat

Hi everyone!

Before I introduce myself, I’d like to give a big thanks to Kat for allowing me to ask for your help today. I have followed Kat’s blog for a few years now and I am regularly inspired to be better and to do better. I know that so many of you have been inspired by her too!

My name is Amy and I live in the North West of Australia, in a small city called Karratha. I have four kids, my oldest being 8-year old Michael. Michael is in year three at school and his class has had a particular ongoing maths project this year – collecting bread tags! Michael’s teacher has been trying to help the kids have an appreciation of numbers, more specifically, big numbers! How often have you heard kids play “shop” and charge their “customer” $100 for a cucumber, or they use large numbers when talking about time – Christmas feels like “a hundred thousand years away”?

Michael’s class has the goal to collect one million bread tags! To begin the project, the kids were invited to predict how long it would take them to collect one million. Answers ranged from one day to several months. Clearly, the kids had no idea!! To date, the class has collected several thousand bread tags. I appreciate that they are unlikely to collect one million bread tags this year, but this goal has at least helped them to gain a little understanding of how much one million is… or isn’t!


There is not too long left in the school year, but I ask now for your help.

Will you please save your bread tags and send them to the school? 

You could save for a week or two and send just a couple, or save them for the next month and then send them – two bread tags, ten bread tags, fifty bread tags – it all adds up!!  Don’t limit yourself to bread tags either – these same sort of tags can be found on bags of fruit or vegetables or even some other products throughout the supermarket! We don’t need to limit our collections to only bread tags – they all look pretty much the same!

My son gets so excited every time a letter arrives for him from family or friends and it is filled with bread tags. His eyes light up every time a friend hands him a bag of bread tags. Even my 3.5 year old daughter gets excited when we do the food shopping and she sees the bread tags on different products! Recently I went on an excursion to the beach with my 6-year old son’s class. He got so excited when we found nine bread tags laying in the sand around the picnic table –  no, we weren’t combing the sand (I’m not that crazy!), they were just sitting on top of the sand!

So please, help us out!! You could really bring some smiles to a bunch of 8-year old’s faces, just by sending us your bread tags!! I thank you in advance for your help!

You can send the bread tags to:
Ms King’s Room 8 Class
Tambrey Primary School
Tambrey Drive
Karratha, WA, 6714

collect-bag-tags FB

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.