What is Organisation to You?

Organisation is completely subjective. What I consider organised could mean a completely different thing to you. A reader recently asked in one of my Facebook groups how everyone measured organisation ‘success’? I thought it was a great question and I wanted to share some of the answers that were given. I think it’s really important to understand that organisation differs among us and you don’t need to compare your interpretation of organisation to others. If your method and perspective of organisation works for you, keep it up! What is organisation to you?

WHAT IS ORGANISATION TO YOU? What I consider organised could mean a completely different thing to you. I think it’s really important to understand that organisation differs among us and you don’t need to compare your interpretation of organisation to others. I've listed what some readers define as organised.


It can be as simple as a feeling. Have you ever felt at peace with your responsibilities? Or you look around your house and feel content? Or maybe it’s a sense of achievement? ‘Feeling organised’ can be liberating, calming and relieving.

Not feeling stressed about my house, knowing what the plan is and not feeling guilty when I take time to do activities just for me. – Erin


There is no greater accomplishment than being able to walk around the house peacefully and comfortably. It’s always good being on top of the house chores and knowing that your house is tidy.

When I’m comfortable walking around my home with no thoughts of ” OMG look at this place” and “why am I the only one that wants a tidy house”…. then it’s success…. – Tanya 


Uh oh! There is nothing worse than guests arriving without any warning… and the house is a mess. For some, organisation is having the house in order without being prompted. I like to keep my house in a state where if guests were to show up, I’m happy to invite them in.

No heart palpitations when the doorbell rings – Ania


It’s hard to concentrate on the things you love when you’re fretting about being organised. Organisation can simply be enjoying the things you love without that nagging thought of laundry duty or piled up dishes. I enjoy watching TV so much more when there isn’t washing on the couch to be folded.

I think my own personal measure is that when I sit down if an evening I can enjoy doing something I love i.e colouring, reading or actually making it through a whole movie without falling asleep! – Debbie

WHAT IS ORGANISATION TO YOU? What I consider organised could mean a completely different thing to you. I think it’s really important to understand that organisation differs among us and you don’t need to compare your interpretation of organisation to others. I've listed what some readers define as organised.


Being able to find things is always a bonus! Organisation can mean simply knowing where your belongings are without having to start a search party. Having particular homes for your items helps keep things in order and can help you keep structured.

Having a place for everything and everything in its place. A tidy but lived in house. – Nadine


Having a system or routine in place is one way I like to achieve organisation ‘success’. By following daily routines and creating tidy and efficient habits, it ensures that my life is in order and I can feel at ease.

Organisation success – any system I set up that the whole family can use that is still functioning effectively in a week. – Hannah

WHAT IS ORGANISATION TO YOU? What I consider organised could mean a completely different thing to you. I think it’s really important to understand that organisation differs among us and you don’t need to compare your interpretation of organisation to others. I've listed what some readers define as organised.

Read more:  Stress-free school routine and my sorting clean laundry routine.


Here are some of the other answers that were left on the Facebook thread:

  • Getting all my dishes done and having floor space in the lounge to do yoga” – Danielle
  • Being able to walk from one end of the house to the other and not trip over anything. – Cassie
  • My measure is when everything has a home, so I’m not moving things from one horizontal surface to another! When I am organised, and my house is clean and tidy, my headspace is good and life is good! When there is mess everywhere I can’t think straight – Sarah
  • When it only takes a quick half an hour run around to get the house looking clean and tidy!! Starting from a decluttered and clean place makes it easier… – Jane
  • Not being overwhelmed by the work that still needs to be done and finding time to do extras… – Chantal
  • Clean enough to live in, messy enough to be healthy. – Jecinta



Bogged down with mess and clutter?
Lost all hope?
Unsure where to start?

Sign up to my 20 Day Challenge to have control of your home again.

But hurry sign up closes Saturday 11th March at midnight.

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to get your home in order.

This challenge will help you reclaim your living space, implement effective organisation solutions and routines and give you the inspiration to make the changes you’ve always wanted.

Julie Williams, London, England says…
“I liked being set a particular task or area to work on to give me the focus I needed. If you print up all the challenges then you can work your way through them in your own time. Very satisfying to tick off the jobs as you get each one done.”

The 20 Days to Organise and Clean your Home Challenge starts 13 March 2017. Stop putting it off and sign up now to take the first step!

This challenge won’t be run as a group again until September 2017.

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.