A new Decluttering task will be published on the blog each Tuesday from February (during January it will be randomly as I am publishing The Back to School Series). I will share a link to the task on facebook and in the Tuesday Daily Task newsletter (subscribe to newsletter here).
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Decluttering Task #2
The kids artwork, drawings & creations
Reading through many of the comments on what you would like to read about during my back to school series is how to organise the kids artwork they bring home from school. At the end of the school year last year my kids came home with an abundance of drawings, projects, school books etc. I am currently working on a project, which I look forward to sharing with you soon, a new way to organise ‘things’ the kids bring home, I have also shared a few other ideas with you below as well. However todays tasks is to declutter the artwork, drawing and creations.
How to declutter the kids artwork, drawings & creations
- Go through the mountain artwork, drawings etc and keep only those that you love (be it that its bright and colourful, has a lovely sentiment or a happy memory).
- For those that you are not sure if you want to keep or purge, consider taking a photo so you will always have an image to remember it, then purge.
Scan drawings and add to a digital photo frame
Create a Wall Gallery of your favourite drawings
Please join the Declutter Challenge, I truly hope that together we can make a difference in your home