{Reader Question} Homework nook

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Reader Question: Could you please share more about your homework station, where did you buy it from and please include pics of how you store your art supplies.  What is your homework routine?

Here is our homework nook

The homework nook sits in our dining area which is where all homework is completed.

On Top

In the magazine holders we keep homework books which usually come home on Monday to be returned on Friday.  Along with other school paper work such as homework requirements for the term or project details.  Last year I kept their school notes such as upcoming excursions etc that needed to be returned to school in these files however, this year I will be pinning it to the cork board in the school bag nook.

Top Drawer

In the drawer I keep the plastic pencil container, repurposing a tin to hold glue sticks, sharpener and scissors.  And a pen holder for items they use on a daily basis for school homework such as pencils, pens and erasers.

Middle Drawer

Is books I buy the kids to help with schooling, colouring in books, paint my number books etc

Bottom Drawer

We keep the sunscreen at reach for the kids and close to the back door.  More details here about our sunscreen drawer.


3 drawer unit – The Outlet

Magazine files – KMart

Owl – Earthborn

3 compartment plastic storage container – KMart or Bunnings

Plastic tub holding sunscreen – repurposed from old toy storage unit

Homework Routine

I’m a believer of not too much homework in the afternoons and allowing the kids to play and enjoy the fresh air outside.  We spend 2 afternoons a week at karate, we don’t do homework on these days but we do the other 2 afternoons (no homework on Fridays).  It was suggested that the kids don’t spend any more than 15-20 minutes on their homework.  However, we just can’t fit everything they need to do into 15 minutes and I like to sit with the kids, make sure they understand the tasks, the math problems or the spelling words (plus I’m a stickler for neat handwriting and no rushing).

Homework afternoons ends up to be a 45 min process.  However, now the twins are starting grade 4 I have heard their homework load will increase (eek). Last year this was our schedule:

3.30pm – Afternoon Tea

3.45pm – Child 1 – On computer 15 min completing homework, Child 2 – writing out spelling words, Child 3 – Reading Home Reader to me or working on an upcoming project (reader will then be read before bed).  We then rotate until each child has completed all 3 tasks.

4.30pm – Play outside in the backyard, swim in the pool or play with neighbourhood friends

The kids don’t watch TV or play Wii in the mornings before school or on homework afternoons.

What is the homework routine in your household?

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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