Organising your bills and receipts

Paperwork in the office can easily become a mess, get lost and keeping on top of it can be somewhat challenging.  Soon after becoming a SAHM I took on the role of managing the household bills.  My hubby had this under control but as I like to do, I created an organised system.  I needed a system that was easy to use and wasn’t going to let me forget to pay a bill, as being on one wage I didn’t want to incur any extra overdue fees.  Keeping everything in the bill organiser meant that it was really easy to locate everything.

This is my process

  1. When bills arrive in the mail, I write the due date into my bills calendar, I then clip the bill to the inside of my bill organiser folder cover ready for when it needs to be paid.
  2. Throughout the week I empty the receipts from my purse into my receipts bin, each week I add these receipts to the ‘actual spending’ tab in our household budget
  3. Once I have entered them into the budget I then file them into a plastic wallet in my bill organiser (each wallet is categorised) Eg grocery bills, department stores (for clothing, toys etc), healthcare, kids/sporting, other and my business expenses.  I sort them like this so I can easily find a receipt if needed.  For example if a toy breaks, or I buy some clothes I can easily locate the receipt to return with the item.
  4. At the beginning of each week I look at the bills calendar to see what bills need to be paid and pay them. I then file the paid bills into my folders, grouping like bills together eg. phone, electricity, etc. Review the system here.
  5. At the end of each month I then staple all the receipts in each wallet together and write the month and year at the top of the first receipt.  This makes it easy to find a receipt if needed in the future.  Also I throw out the grocery, petrol, miscellaneous receipts after 3 months.  I keep them for this period of time just in case there is a discrepancy on my credit card statement I have the receipt to look back on. I keep department store receipts for 6 months just in case I need to return something.
  6. At the end of the financial year, I then place all the receipts that we need to keep for tax purposes in a labelled box (labelled for each financial year).  We keep these receipts for 5 years. It is a good idea to photocopy receipts for large ticket items such as TV’s, fridges etc just in case as they may fade over the years.
  7. All bills and receipts that don’t need to be kept for tax purposes are then shredded.

READ MORE: A few steps to create a ‘non-filing cabinet’ organised filing system for your paperwork. 

Organising finances and filing in a small space can be hard, but it is achievable. This system for organising paperwork without a filing cabinet in your office will help you keep all your bills and other paperwork ordered and tidy.

Currently I am using these folders found at Kmart for my office paperwork, found at Kmart.

Organising finances and filing in a small space can be hard, but it is achievable. This system for organising paperwork without a filing cabinet in your office will help you keep all your bills and other paperwork ordered and tidy.

Over the years I have also use a large folder with clear cover to insert front page from OfficeWorks

add the due date to the calendar

I use the A4 Marbig Expanding Binder Wallets from OfficeWorks to store the receipts.

What is included in the Bill Organiser

The 2017 Bill Organiser includes – Front cover, spine label, calendars from August 2013 to December 2014 and pages to keep all details handy for bank and other accounts such as electricity, phone etc and a debt repayment plan to track how much you still have owing on a loan.

How do you organise all your bills?

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.