Are you struggling to meal plan and get healthy food on the table?
Too often we find barriers that stop us from putting our meal plans into action, and reaching for takeaway. Like most of us it will be because you’re too tired to cook! If you can, problem solve this when you’re relaxed, instead of stressing yourself at 6pm, you can get your kitchen, fridge and freezer working with you instead of against you!!
If you’re always battling against the clock when it comes to meal time we need to look for ways to streamline your kitchen, and the time you spend there to make meal prep a little more manageable!
How to find the time to meal plan
Here are four simple tips to get you started:
1. Declutter your bench tops
If you can organise your kitchen you can organise your life! Creating workable space in your kitchen is going to make your life so much easier when you’re trying to cook more meals from scratch. There is nothing more irritating than pulling out one thing and finding 10 others on the floor in front of you L
2. Choose ingredients that save you time but don’t compromise your health
If you’re wanting to save time, look for key ingredients that you can either make ahead or they have done some of the preparation for you. Get savvy with the labels and check the ingredients list so you’re not getting any surprises with the nasty food additives!
3. A useful pantry is a useful friend
Keeping your pantry filled with foods you actually use is going to make life easier. Take a quick look to make sure you’re only storing ingredients you USE versus hoarding the ingredients that you WANT to get around to using or know you ‘should’ be using. Ditch the guilt and create usable and workable pantry space!
Read Kat’s tips – How to organise your pantry on a budget.
4. Look for creative cooking shortcuts
If you’re struggling to find the time to cook we need to find ways to make meal prep super quick. Getting creative with your leftovers and cook ahead meals will cut your cooking time down considerably. Find a range of family meal plan ideas here.
This is a guest post by Louise D’Allura of Meal Planning Your Way.