Yes, Zookal offers free express shipping as part of its 'Subscribe & Save' program. If you are a new subscriber, this will be automatically applied to your shopping cart. Otherwise, existing members will have to select their preferred shipping option (either standard or express shipping) during checkout. Check out the website to read more about these delivery options.
Unfortunately, the Zookal student discount has ended and has now been replaced with the 'Subscribe & Save' discount of 10% off with free express delivery. You can always check back here to see all the latest discount codes and coupons to help you save a little more on your next purchase!
Yes, you may download the free Zookal app to study smarter while on the go. The app has test prep with detailed solutions and past exam questions for all major examinations. Download the app at no cost and unlock over 40,000 exam questions to help you prep for your exams today!
Facing technical difficulties while redeeming your Zookal discount code? With these helpful hints, you should have your issue resolved very quickly. Keep an eye out for spelling mistakes when entering the code; codes must be entered as they appear on our site. Select codes have a minimum spend requirement and only one code per purchase may be redeemed. If you have any further concerns, consult the terms and conditions or contact the customer service team.
To redeem a Zookal promo code, simply enter the coupon code in the “Discount code” field at checkout. On mobile, you will need to expand the “Order Summary” tab to reveal the discount code field.
Yes, Zookal will price-match a competitor's textbook as long as it has an identical ISBN and is sourced within Australia or New Zealand. Just contact customer service with the required information, including the price listed on the bookstore's website, as well as a screenshot or URL for further verification.
Unfortunately, Zookal no longer buys and sells second-hand textbooks. All of the textbooks you see on its website are brand-new and in good condition. You can always keep an eye on this page just in case it decides to offer this feature in the future!
To view your Zookal eTextbooks, here are the steps:
If you require a return or exchange, Zookal will do its best to accommodate! You may request an e-textbook refund within 3 days of purchase as long as no more than 20% has been printed or viewed; all access codes must still be intact, as well. Any items that have been on backorder for more than 120 days are also eligible for a refund. For more information, please review the return policy online.