Best and Less doesn't offer free shipping all year round. However, it will occasionally offer free shipping promo codes throughout the year to help you save on delivery costs. Browse this page to see if there are any free shipping codes currently availaible. If not, you can discover other ways to bring your total cost down with our other discount codes.
There are a few ways you can save at Best and Less. Firstly, you can sign up for the newsletter to get deals and sales promotions sent right to your inbox. Secondly, you can shop in the sale section on its website to find savings of as much as 25% off across multiple product categories. Finally, you can look through this page to see all of the most up-to-date promo codes and discounts to save on all your Best and Less purchases.
Redeeming a Best and Less coupon code couldn't be easier! Browse the latest codes list on our site for discounts and promo codes. Once you have found the perfect one for you, shop and place your desired items in your shopping cart. Proceed to check out and you will be prompted to enter your code into the field provided. Enter the code as it appears and you will see the price drop dramatically!
Customers may sometimes run into issues when attempting to redeem a Best and Less code. If you are facing issues, here are some tips that may help. First, ensure that the code has been typed in correctly. Double-check that there are no spelling mistakes and meet any minimum spending requirements stipulated in the terms and conditions. If you have any further questions not covered in the FAQ, be sure to contact the customer service team.
Best and Less accepts a variety of payment methods, including Visa, MasterCard or a debit card, PayPal, ZipPay or AfterPay. Unfortunately, gift cards and store vouchers cannot be redeemed online. You can always combine your credit card with a promo code or coupon to save on the overall cost!
If you are unsatisfied for any reason, you may return an item to Best and Less within 100 days of purchase. To begin the process, you will have to fill out the returns form. Then you must pack up your unwanted items with the filled-out form and post it to the appropriate address. For more information, please visit the returns page.
Yes, if you are a member of the Best and Less Friends Club, you'll receive a special birthday voucher for yourself, your partner, and up to five children! Just make sure that you fill in your birthday details when signing up to receive this offer. If you're looking to save any other time of year, you can always check out this page!
Unfortunately, once you hit the "PAY SECURELY" button while checking out at Best and Less, your order will be finalised. Customer service is unable to cancel, amend, or change the order once it has been made, so if you have made a mistake, you will have to return the items once they've arrived.
While Best and Less is unable to process exchanges online, you can always visit your local store! Or, if you'd prefer to do everything exclusively online, you can always return your unwanted items first and then place a new order for the updated size, colour, or style. Just make sure that you apply another promo code to keep those savings.
Unfortunately, only one Best and Less code can be redeemed per order unless specified in the terms and conditions, so you'll have to compare savings at checkout to get the better value. Luckily, we have a wide variety of offers and deals right here, so you're sure to grab a lower price on everything you're shopping for.