Discount | Coupons & Offers | Expiry |
30% Off | Uber One Perls: Enjoy up to 30% off eligible orders, free delivery and more at Uber Eats | - |
Free Delivery | Get free delivery at participating KFC stores with Uber Eats | - |
Free item | Spend $25 to get a free item at McDonald's | 13 February 2025 |
10% Off | Discover the latest Uber Eats deals and promotions for at least 10% off | - |
$10 Off | $10 off your next order at Uber Eats when you refer a friend | - |
$5 off | Save up to $5 at Uber Eats | 5 February 2025 |
Free item | Spend $20 and get a free item at Uber Eats | 19 February 2025 |
Yes, Uber Eats often has special deals for new customers, and you may even be eligible for a free trial of the Uber One membership. It’s a nice way to get started and explore Uber Eats.
Getting Uber Eats promo codes is simple—new customers can usually find promo codes, and popular restaurants like Subway offer regular deals. Check back often to stay updated on the latest offers.
Although Uber Eats doesn’t offer rewards points anymore, you’ll find plenty of other deals in the “Offers” section of the app, like discounts or free delivery on select orders.
Absolutely! It provides discounts to loyal customers with occasional Uber Eats promo codes, which you’ll find in the app from time to time, especially from family favourites like McDonald's.
Yes, many family-friendly restaurants offer free delivery when you reach a certain spend. Plus, you can join Uber One to enjoy free delivery on eligible orders with no minimum spend!
Just go to "Promotions" in the app’s settings, enter your Uber Eats voucher code, and hit "Claim Promo" to activate it. Your discount will apply when you place your order.
Yes, as long as your delivery person hasn’t started heading to the restaurant, you can cancel your order in the app. Just be aware that refunds are only guaranteed if the restaurant hasn’t accepted your order.
Uber One members receive a $5 credit if their order arrives after the "Latest Arrival By" time shown in the app.
Yes, although not directly, you can use Afterpay to buy an Uber Eats gift card and then use that gift card to pay for your order.