Bathroom Organisation Ideas

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Some bathroom organisation ideas to help you turn your bathroom into a functional and calming space. Having everything you use regularly, organised, and easily accessible will streamline your mornings as you get ready.

The bathroom is one of the smallest rooms in the house, one of the most used rooms, and it’s easy for it to become one of the messiest. Having your bathroom organised with everything easy to find will make mornings easier for you when getting yourself ready.


Under my bathroom sink cupboard is organised with dedicated tubs for specific purposes. In my “day” tub, I keep my morning creams, sunscreen and deodorant. While my “night” tub holds eye serums, makeup remover, and night cream. All my hair products are in a separate tub. This way, I can quickly grab what I need in the morning without searching through any clutter.

At the time I originally wrote this blog post I used to keep cotton balls, buds and other bits and pieces for quick access in this tea storage drawer. However, now I keep them on the top of the bench in my tissue box holder. 

The perfect alternative to traditional Tissues boxes, plus storage! Designed to compliment any home decor theme, this Tissue Box with Drawer will make you wonder how you went without it.

Please keep your medications out of reach of young kids.

I use these label clips with a chalk board marker to label each tub. 

The goal for your bathroom counter is to remove all the non-essentials and items you don’t use frequently and have the items you need easily findable and accessible. Ideally, your bathroom should be a functional and calming space.

Did you know that your bathroom products come with an expiration date? It’s a fact that surprisingly many people don’t realise. Take a peek at your makeup and lotions – you’ll find the expiry date hidden in tiny print. I know it’s tough to say goodbye to your favourite lipsticks and eyeshadows, but just like food, they all come with a shelf life. Read more about this here.

I like to keep my toothbrushes hygienic and bacteria-free by avoiding gross, grotty cups (take a look at the bottom of your cup if you have one). I use a wall-mounted toothbrush holder instead which is so easy to keep clean. 


  • Working from left to right go through everything on top of your bathroom vanity.
  • Check use-by dates, toss what needs to be.
  • Look at the items you haven’t used in the past month, perhaps they can be stored under your bench.
  • Group similar items together
  • Assess the storage you have and find a better solution if you need one.
  • Repeat the above process with your drawers and cupboards
  • Put the items you use least towards the back and out of the way
  • Have the items you use regularly easily accessible

hair dryer storage idea

Cords from hairdryers and straighteners can easily become tangled. Storing these items in drawers takes up a lot of space that could be better used for other items. I keep mine in a storage caddy as it keeps my benchtop tidy. I then pop the caddy underneath my bathroom bench when I’m not using it. Check out our range of hairdryer storage ideas here.

Storage Tubs
Clear Tissue Box
Toothbrush holder

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.