Learning Posters: Times Table and Division Charts

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Homework started on the first day of school for one of my kids (which is perfectly fine, as it’s the same class, same teacher, may as well just get back into it!) The twins are in Grade 5 now, so homework has stepped up a level yet again.  Last year they had to revise their times tables each night, but this year division has been added into the mix.

Last year I created some times table charts to help them learn their times tables, which they found to be a great help.  I mentioned in a previous post that I put the adjectives and verbs charts on the back of the toilet door for the kids to look at while they are sitting there… it has worked a treat.  I have walked up to the kids area a few times and heard the child in the toilet testing the other two while they are brushing their teeth “is walking an adjective, pronoun or verb”?  Whatever works I say.

Each week the twins have to concentrate on a particular set of times tables so I’ll place the related chart on the back of the door for them to study through the week, we usually practise while I’m preparing dinner too.

I also made the division chart as a visual aide to help explain divides to Miss 10 as she struggles with her maths.  Having the chart has helped her to understand how similar they are to the times tables.

I have laminated each page, so I can then take the laminated sheet with me while driving in the car to after school sports and test the kids, yes I’m not great at maths either, I need charts too!!

Find more details:  Time Table Charts  |  Division Charts

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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