Low Calorie Heart Smart Healthy Snack For The Whole Family – Air Popped Popcorn

This is a guest post by Renee, from Belle Amie Mother of Three

Stuck for an idea for a healthy snack this afternoon? Look no further as it is more than likely already in your pantry. Naked air popped popcorn is easy to make and goes easy on your hips!

Did you know popcorn is actually healthy? I’m not talking movie bought popcorn nor am I talking the supermarket microwave popcorn both overdosed in artery clogging butter and salt. However I am talking air popped popcorn which is actually loaded with essential nutrients and antioxidants not found in grains. See Popcorn is choc full of Polyphenols. Never heard of it right? Polyphenols, also found in fruit and vegetables, have been linked to a reduction in heart disease and certain cancers. 100% whole grain, popcorn is also a great source of fiber. The best part is one cup of air popped popcorn is only 30cals!! To help that make sense a cup of potato chips is 150cals! This stuff is a snack rock-star.

How To Make It

Simply pop 3-4 tablespoons of plain kernels, which a packet cost only 99c at the supermarket, into a brown paper lunch bag. Fold over the end of the bag twice to seal it closed. My microwave does the job in about 1 min 30 sec, when the popping slows to a few seconds between pops is a good sign it’s done.

How To Serve it

Serve it in a bowl or eat it right from the brown paper bag for a no mess snack. You can flavour it with a light spray of olive oil, pinch of salt, chili powder, cinnamon, shaved dark chocolate, or anything you are limited to your own imagination. Send it to school in brown paper bags for a healthy cheap recess for the kids.

So this afternoon when you finally get a chance to sit down for a snack, ditch the chips or biscuits and make yourself a bag of popcorn with a large glass of water. Enjoy.


About Belle Amie Mother of Three

Renee is busy a mother of three who loves sharing the journey of her evolution from full time Soldier to a stay at home Mum. She blogs at www.belleamiemotherofthree.com about organisation, meals, family stuff, kid stuff, parenting, health and fitness just anything to do with channelling your inner Super Mum!

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.