10 Easy Weekend Lunch Ideas

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

10 quick and easy weekend lunch ideas that will fit perfectly around a busy weekend full of sporting events and social commitments.

Creating meal plans for my family’s dinners is something I’ve perfected over the years, but what about weekend lunches? I was recently contacted by a community member called Ash, who said she struggled to come up with quick and easy lunch ideas that fit around her weekend errands. Swimming lessons, sporting commitments and catch-ups with friends often allowed little time for lunch prep – plus her hubby doesn’t eat sandwiches. I’m not one to back down from a meal planning challenge, so set about hunting down 10 quick and easy lunch ideas perfect for your busy weekends – I hope you enjoy!

1. CHICKEN BURRITOS – I like to make my Mexican Salsa Chicken to have on these burritos (which you can prepare in the slow cooker the night before), but you could also use a BBQ chook from the supermarket. It’s then just a matter of rolling up all your tasty fillings in a tortilla.

  View my Slow Cooker Mexican Salsa Chicken recipe here.

2. MINI PIZZAS – Again, I often use the same Mexican Salsa Chicken as mentioned above, but you can make your pizzas as creative or simple as you choose. I use small pizza base or pita bread from the supermarket, and cook for 5 minutes or so in the oven until the cheese has melted. A super quick and easy weekend lunch idea.

3. ZUCCHINI AND FETA SLICE – I love to have some easy go-to savoury snacks in the freezer for a quick (but tasty!) weekend lunch. These only take 15 minutes to prep – so can be thrown together on a weeknight – and they keep in the freezer for months! Heat up and serve with a simple salad, or pop in a lunchbox with fruit for an easy lunch-on-the-go option that’s perfect for when you’re out and about.

  View my Zucchini and Feta Slice recipe here.

bento lunchboxes

4. MANGO & CHICKEN PASTA SALAD – this salad is really quick to throw together – you could even pre-prepare your jar of dressing and cooked pasta. The BBQ chicken and pasta means this salad will keep the family feeling full for ages, and it’s hearty enough to satisfy the fussy men among us.

  View my Mango and Chicken Pasta Salad recipe here.

There is no limit on how you can use Mangoes and recently when I asked my readers how they like to use Mangoes the possibilities were endless. My Mango & Chicken Pasta Salad is perfect on it's own for lunch or dinner.

5. SAUSAGE ROLLS – You could make these from scratch (and in advance!) so that they’re full of healthy veggies. Then pop them in the freezer so that they’re ready to be put into the oven for a quick weekend lunch. Alternatively, you could keep some store-bought sausage rolls on hand for an easy weekend lunch option.

  View my Homemade Beef & Vegetable Sausage Rolls recipe here.

How to make sausage rolls at home

6. SLOW COOKER ASIAN CHICKEN SALAD – ‘Slow cooker’ may sound counterintuitive for a ‘quick and easy’ lunch option, but stay with me for a minute. On weekends, we’re often out and about in the mornings whilst we attend sporting events before popping back home at lunchtime. If your day looks like this, start your slow cooker in the morning so that when you’re home at lunchtime it’ll only take 10 minutes to prep this delicious and nutritious salad.

  View my Asian Chicken Salad recipe here.

Slow cooker Asian chicken salad recipe

7. FRUIT SALAD – Don’t discount how filling fruit salad can be! Prepare this in advance and pop in a bento lunchbox with a little yoghurt (I love these stainless steel bento boxes for grown ups!), and you have yourself a tasty and healthy lunch that’s ideal for enjoying whilst you’re out and about.

stainless steel lunchbox for fruit salad

8. MEXICAN CHICKEN SALAD ROLLS – We often buy a BBQ chook and fresh bread rolls on the weekend, but if you’re looking for something a little more exciting, here’s your answer! These are chicken rolls are still quick to make, but the addition of tomato, capsicum, onion, cheese and taco seasoning makes them even more tasty!

  View my Mexican Chicken Salad Sandwich Filling recipe here.

Mexican Chicken Salad Sandwich Filling

9. TUNA SANDWICH – Tuna is a fantastic, nutritious filling for a sandwich but it’s always good to mix things up so the family doesn’t get bored. Recently, one of our team members made something similar for a ‘bring-a-plate’ event and they were a hit! It inspired me to make them for my family, great Sunday lunch idea. I tweaked the recipe slightly and thought you may enjoy an easy weekend lunch idea too.

When you want to jazz up a sandwich, this quick and easy tuna sandwich filling recipe is a fantastic option. It's delicious!

10. FISH OR CHICKEN WRAPS – Wraps are a nice alternative to sandwiches, and can be easily jazzed up with some nice sauce and a few strips of oven-cooked chicken, fish, or even falafel (if you’re wanting a vegetarian option).

  View my Easy Chicken Finger Wraps recipe here.

Looking for an easy dinner option that your teens can cook for themselves? Try these Easy Chicken Finger Wraps!

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.