Easy Chicken Curry Recipe

Hi friends of Katrina and The Organised Housewife, it’s Sarah here from abeachcottage blog, I’m filling in here for Kat today, as we all know this is a very difficult time for her…

So when I asked Kat if she would like me to pop over and say G’day to you all with one of my recipes that ticks the boxes of easy, simple and with everyday ingredients I couldn’t really go past my Easy Chicken Curry Recipe – this is a keeper and it has been with me for a while now, you can throw it together with stuff you have in your cupboards but it tastes like you spent all day slaving over it – my recipes have all evolved that way.

This is good because it can, if you want it to, utilize the slow cooking method – by way of sitting on the stove top slowly filling the house with the most divine fragrance that says home, or by throwing it in the slow cooker earlier in the day, though it still works well if you pull it together quickly when you walk in the door after a long day, leave it on the stove or in the oven, go off and do all the other things like school uniforms and all that stuff and when you come back something delicious will be waiting for you…just how I like it.

While we are talking about slow cookers and being organised 😉 I love this little gadget in my kitchen – if you get your head around it and are willing for a few trial and errors and if you can get past the idea that it will only do a stew, it can about change your life.  I know it did mine.  I first pulled it out of the cupboard years ago when I had my third baby and I was on my own a lot of the time with three kiddos.  My husband was working long hours and getting the dinner done was proving to be a challenge.

One day I decided to turn on this slow cooker I had been given as a wedding present that had been gathering dust,  I threw something in there at about mid-day and oh my goodness did it ever change my life!

…as 7pm rolled around and the kiddos were settled down and my hubby got home from work, instead of walking in the door to a tired mummy-of-three-littlies ready to collapse and that awful question of what’s for dinner (again!), he walked into dinner that was done and smelling fantastic.

We both sighed a huge sigh of relief and I have been slow cooker / Crock Pot cooking at least 3 or 4 times a week ever since – there are many things you can cook in it from dessert to jacket potatoes to fish with herbs & wine and combine it with a rice cooker for simple dishes and you really are laughing.

So without any more of my rambling, here we go

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Easy Chicken Curry Recipe

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  • Author: Sarah, A Beach Cottage


  • 1.5 kg chicken (I like thighs)
  • 200ml / c. 1 cup coconut milk
  • 2 x medium onions finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp curry powder
  • 1 x chili finely chopped
  • 1 x cup chicken stock
  • salt & pepper
  • squeeze lemon juice
  • 3 x cloves garlic


  1. soften the garlic & onion in a frying pan
  2. add chicken to brown
  3. throw in crockpot & add all other ingredients except coconut milk
  4. cook on low all day or high 3/4 hours
  5. about half an hour before eating add coconut milk & stir through


you can totally lose step 1 and 2, have to say I usually do, too easy and just throw it all in

Beach Cottage Recipe Notes **if not making this in a slow cooker just put on a low heat, minimum 1 hour for flavour but at least a few hours is best

**I like this much hotter than this, hence I add more curry powder and more chilli after the Beach Cottage Crew have had theirs
** conversely if you have kiddos who don’t like spicy stuff, omit the chili and just go with one tbsp curry powder
**adjust the garlic to your liking, have to say I throw in an extra one for us
**I add a green salad to this or any kinda green like snow peas, probs not authentic but I like it
**with leftovers add a couple of cans of lentils, a bit extra milk & curry powder and it makes day 2?s dinner too
**a bunch of coriander wouldn’t go amiss if you like it, two people in Beach Cottage Land don’t like it so I don’t

 I hope you like it – we love it and more it helps so very much to keep you sane!  

Sarah  blogs over at abeachcottage.com broadcasting from the beaches of Sydney on all things coastal and cottage, she loves home decor, collecting vintage things and white paint.  She also dabbles in Real Girl Fashion and loves reading cookery books and blogging her favourite recipes.  Oh and she sometimes can be found riding a whitewashed broomstick when a busy life, looking after the house and running around and feeding three kiddos all gets a bit much. 

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.