An all-natural chest rub recipe that uses essential oils, making it delicate enough for the whole family and perfect for the upcoming cold and flu months.
Give your immune system a helping hand this winter with this all-natural chest rub that you can make yourself at home. Store bought chest rubs can be quite harsh – particularly on young children. A simple homemade chest rub recipe is just what the doctor ordered. This cold and flu chest rub combines the healing qualities of four antibacterial and antiviral essential oils.

Coconut Oil: In addition to the essential oils, you will also need some coconut oil. The recipe calls for ordinary coconut oil which you can purchase from the supermarket. You will need to heat this so that it turns to liquid (this can easily done by sitting the jar in a container of hot water). If you prefer to store your chest rub in a pump bottle, fractionated coconut oil would be ideal, and requires no heating.
Once your coconut oil is in a liquid form, you can add in your four essential oils.
1. Eucalyptus oil
- Reduces fevers
- Helps relieve coughing
- Helps clear the chest
- Opens up nasal passages and clears sinuses
- Facilitates easy breathing
- Soothes headaches
- Fights viruses
2. Peppermint oil
- Reduces coughs
- Antimicrobial properties that can help fight bacteria
- Helps reduce nausea
- Relaxes muscles and eases pain
- Commonly used to treat headaches and migraines

3. Lavender oil
- Calming
- Helps with fatigue
- Commonly used to relax the mind and nervous system
- Can help treat headaches and migraines
4. Tea Tree Oil
- Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties
- Inhibits bacteria
- Fight infection
- Helps relieve a sore throat
This cold and flu chest rub will help to alleviate horrible head and chest congestion, yet is mild enough that even the little ones in your family can benefit from it.

diy cold & flu chest rub recipe
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- Author: Katrina
An all-natural chest rub recipe that uses essential oils, making it delicate enough for the whole family and perfect for the upcoming cold and flu months.
- 1 x 300g jar of coconut oil
- 10–15 drops eucalyptus essential oil
- 10 drops peppermint essential oil
- 10 drops tea tree essential oil
- 10–15 drops lavender essential oil
- Heat the coconut oil until it turns to liquid, then add into a glass mixing dish.
- Add essential oils.
- Mix together in bowl until everything is combined.
- Scoop into clean jar, with airtight lid (make sure jar has been sterilised beforehand by soaking in hot water and tea tree essential oil).
- Allow mixture to re-solidify in room temperature or for easier use, just put in fridge until hard.
- Store at room temperature – will last for a year.
Coconut oil will melt in summer so store in the fridge.
Recipe originally Eco. Modern Essential.
Need More Cold & Flu Relief?
Put a few drops of your tea tree and lavender essential oils in a diffuser to create the ultimate cold and flu diffuser blend that will help clear your sinuses and promote a deep restorative sleep.