DIY Ant Repellent Spray

Get rid of ants in your home naturally, with this chemical-free DIY Ant Repellent Spray recipe – the perfect home remedy solution for your unwelcome guests.

Trying to get rid of ants can feel impossible, and like many mums, I’m not keen on using chemical ant killers in my home or garden. This is why I tried my hand at a homemade ant killer, and I’m delighted to say that it works! This is my ant repellent spray recipe that is free from nasties, and which has meant my kitchen is now free from unwanted crawly critters and Zoe (our dog) can play safely in the backyard.

natural ant spray repellent

Apparently ants leave an invisible trail so they can easily find the way from their homes to their food source (i.e. your food!). By regularly wiping your surfaces you remove these trails, and hence their easy access to your food.

This DIY Ant Repellent Spray will not only remove this invisible trail, it will also act as a repellent that ants will want to avoid.


  • White vinegar – ants hate vinegar, making it a very affordable ant repellent ingredient.
  • Peppermint essential oil – a natural insect repellent that’s effective at repelling ants, snails, mosquitoes and other bugs. Shop peppermint essential oil here.
  • Dish liquid – the detergent helps the essential oil evenly mix through the water and vinegar solution, as opposed to rising to the surface. Shop dish liquid here.

How to make your own ant repellent

How To Make This Ant Spray

This recipe is incredibly simple! It’s just a matter of combining all ingredients together and popping the mixture in a spray bottle – you can use our set of funnels to make it easier to get the mixture into your spray bottle. I then use the spray on my countertops, any surfaces where I’ve seen ants (like the inside of my pantry), on the ants directly, outside around my herb planters, and the clothesline.

TIP: Pop one of these Vinyl Labels on your spray bottle so you can easily tell it apart from your other cleaning sprays. Labels give instant organised gratification! I am using a small spray bottle that we stock in our shop, although it’s currently out of stock.

What Else You Can Do

In addition to using this spray, here are a few other tips that can make your home unappealing to ants:

  • Wipe down kitchen benches morning and night.
  • Ensure the family eat all food at the dining table (not the bedroom or lounge-room).
  • Regularly wash out bins with soapy water.
  • Clean your pet’s food bowls daily.
  • Don’t leave pet food out all day (or use an ant-proof pet dish).
  • Seal holes where ants are getting into your home (check window sills, inside kitchen cupboards, and around doors).
  • Remove indoor plants that are harbouring ants (or opt for gorgeous artificial flowers and indoor plants like these ones).

homemade ant spray

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DIY Ant Repellent Spray

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  • Author: Katrina - The Organised Housewife


Get rid of ants in your home naturally, with this chemical-free DIY Ant Repellent Spray recipe – the perfect home remedy solution for your unwelcome guests.


  • ½ cup vinegar
  • ½ cup water
  • 2 tablespoons dish soap
  • 30 drops peppermint essential oil


  1. Add all ingredients into a bowl, mix.
  2. Using a funnel, pour into a spray bottle.
  • Category: cleaning


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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.