My twins turned 13 earlier this year. With this age comes many changes, in particular, the skin on their faces tends to get blemishes. I recently shared the importance of teaching the kids a skin care routine to help them keep their skin clean. However, it’s hard to remember everything they need to do amongst the general getting ready for school day tasks so I created a chart to help them remember the steps, you know me I love charts.
My kids clean their face in the shower, they find this easier than over a basin.
Read more: step by step skin care routine
Why do teenagers break out?
The exact cause of acne is not known, but hormones called androgens can play a role. Androgens increase in both boys and girls during puberty. Androgens make the skin’s oil glands get larger and make more sebum.
- hormones
- diet
- not cleaning their face regularly
- pore-clogging products such as makeup
- hair styling products
- stress
Genetics may also matter. If your parents had acne, you may have inherited that tendency.
Kids Skin Care Routine Charts
A chart to help the kids, tweens and teens, to learn the process of a good skin care routine. Two out of three of my kids have eczema so it’s important they look after their full body. Available in my shop in a few variations.
For a limited time only you can download this chart from my shop for FREE, see bottom of this post here for coupon code.

What tips can you share to help the kids keep their skin clean?
information sources include: WebMD