12 Potty Training Tips + Potty Training Charts


See one of my most requested printables below

I remember when my kids were all potty training, it’s certainly trying times for both the kids and parents.  Typically some kids start potty training at 18 months.  When the twins were this age they didn’t give any indication they were ready plus being pregnant, then having a newborn as well as having two to train at once I decided to wait till I could give them quality time.   We decided to start after winter, they were 2 and a half.  My youngest started potty training around 20 months.

My girls couldn’t get the hang of it, but my little man was pretty clever from the get go. Which goes against the myth that girls are easier to teach than boys.  He really loved the idea of a sticker chart, an incentive, the big claps and cheers whenever he wee’d in the potty.  Each time the kids successfully went potty I did a big happy dance, pleased for them but also thrilled that I no longer had to buy nappies (it was so expensive to have 3 kids in nappies).

My Potty Training Tips

It was over 5 years ago since we went through the potty training stages, but these are a few tips I can remember:

  1. Place the potty in a position near the toilet giving you enough space where you can sit down with them
  2. Allocate 4-7 days of being able to stay at home to keep them in their undies for this full period of time
  3. I read a book to the kids while they sat on the potty
  4. I trained them in the warmer months so they could run around in their undies and eliminated my need to wash wet clothes from accidents.
  5. Cover your lounges with waterproof sheets or protectors in case of accidents
  6. Try and play on tiled areas or outside as much as possible
  7. Don’t give them a milk drink before bed, I found this caused bed wetting
  8. Don’t confuse them by putting a nappy on at convenient times (ducking down to the shops), it confuses their little minds
  9. Make a big fuss when they are successful, it will inspire them to do it again just to see you jump up and down like a crazy lady!!
  10. If it doesn’t happen give them encouragement and loving words that it just might happen next time
  11. Use a sticker chart to show them how well they are going.  Stickers mean so much to a 2 year old and a chart filled with them is so exciting
  12. Most of all be patient!

Potty Training Charts

I am so pleased to finally share with you one of my most requested printables, the Potty Training Charts (requests are always welcome).  3 charts are included in this pack with 2 different types of potty training charts and a chart to encourage dry nights.  The charts with numbers can be used as a sticker chart, once they get to the picture you can give them a little surprise such as a trip to their favourite park, a new book or go out for icecream, it doesn’t need to be extravagant.  The other chart has steps to follow such as ‘I pulled down my pants’, ‘I sat on the potty’, ‘I did a wee in the potty’…. ‘I flushed the toilet’, ‘ I washed my hands’ etc.  I have also included 2 certificates, one to give them once they have completed their first full chart and the other once they are officially toilet trained.

The Potty Training Charts come in a variety of designs, princess, space, dinosaur and construction.  See more details here.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.