What to expect in 2014 on The Organised Housewife

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

I always say my new year starts when the kids go back to school.  I think it’s because it’s a new school year, new uniform, new books, new routines… However, this week truly marks many new things for me.  For me personally I am excited to say that I now weigh less than I did before I got married (nearly 15 years ago) and this is the best and fittest I have felt in a very very long time.


image credit unknown

On the Blog

In the world of my blog there are some exciting new changes happening. Hopefully soon, my blog will be getting a makeover, new logo, new theme (if I am clever enough to work out how to do that!!) and new colours.  I haven’t seen any drafts yet but I am very excited to give it a fresh new look.

I have a few more back to school posts that I would like to share with you however from February the blog will become a lot more structured.  You know me I like to be organised and that also includes being organised with my blogging.  Below you will find a list of what to expect on the blog over the coming months:

I will return to my regular weekly blogging routine, many of you have been asking for the meal planning posts to return!!

Monday – Meal Planning

Tuesday – Declutter 52 things in 52 weeks, challenge tasks

Wednesday – Organising tip

Thursday – Cleaning tip

Friday – Miscellanous, giveaways etc.

Saturday – Recipe

Sunday – Recipe

New to 2014 I will be dedicated each month to a different area of the home, this is what is coming up:

February – Kitchen

March – Laundry

April – Kids Bedrooms

Behind the Scenes

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Behind the scenes of the blog I spend a good 30+ hours each week writing my blog posts and trying to answer all the emails and enquiries I receive (which is a constant struggle for me, I still have a lot of room for improvement in this area, I have quite a few I need to reply to from the new year period). I am delighted that this week I joined up with the team at The Remarkable Group (TRG), who are a blogging agency that will help me with brand enquiries and to connect with brands that are relevant to The Organised Housewife and our community.  I am really grateful to be working with brands such as Dettol, Howards Storage World and many more, as their involvement with my blog helps to keep it running.

I have big dreams and a vision for The Organised Housewife, I am excited that together with TRG that I will be able to achieve them!

And finally a big thank you to YOU!!

I want to thank each and every one of you that pop over to my blog to read my tips, become inspired or motivated by what you read.  I’m a people watcher and I enjoy looking at peoples fashion, shoes and how they do their hair when I’m sitting at a coffee shop.  I feel my blog is similar to this, you are sitting there getting a little insight into my home, how I manage my family, decorate my home, the food I cook the kids and the routines that help us to stay organised.  Remember, this is how I might clean or oraganise something, I’m not saying this is how it should be done, just adapt the idea to suit your home.

Over the school holidays my facebook page reached a remarkable 200,000 likers on facebook, but I am beyond ecstatic and in disbelief really that in a short period it has increased again to nearly 260,000 people in our facebook community.  I was wanting to organise a big giveaway when I reached 200,000 however as that has flown by I am going to try and organise something extra special for when we reach 300,000.  I have had a few requests of giving myself away to visit the home of a reader and organise an area of their home… I really like this idea, just need to see if I can organise a sponsor for flights, accommodation and products to use for organising the space!

This is not a giveaway (yet!), but to help me plan it, I would love to know:

If you could win me for a day, which area of your home would you like me to organise?

If you are a business and would be interested in sponsoring this giveaway please contact me here.

Win Mefor a day! copy

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.