What is Pinterest all about?

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Pinterest…. I pronounce it pin-terest.  

Follow me on Pinterest here

What is Pinterest?


Pinterest is a virtual pinboard.  It allows you to store and organise (known as pin) images you have on your computer, find on the web or in the Pinterest application itself.  Images that may inspire you such as quotes (yes this is where I find all my quote of the day’s), yummy recipes, bedroom or office designs, hairstyles, outfits, craft projects the list is endless and full of possibilities.

How does it work?

Let’s say you find a chocolate muffin recipe you would love to make one day.  Click the pin it button (which can be added to your toolbar, details here) it will pin it to your account and allow you to choose a specific board to pin it to.  When you are ready to make the chocolate muffins, click the image which takes you to the original website and page of recipe.

What is a Board?

You can organise all your pins into specific named boards, like folders on your computer.  This makes finding a pin at a later date easier.  I have many boards (hmm…66 of them 😕 ).  When I first started I had a board labelled food, my tip is to be specific with your labels as there are so many wonderfully yummy recipes on there.  This is what I have now:

  • Food – Savoury
  • Food – Sweet
  • Food – Lunchboxes
At a later date I am sure I will split them up more such as Food – muffins – cakes – slow cooker etc.

What is follow?

You can find other users on Pinterest if you like what they are pinning you can follow them.  You can then repin the images on their boards to yours.  Follow me on Pinterest here.

Is there an app for Pinterest?

Yes at this point in time there is only an iPhone app, found here.  This app can be used on the iPad too.

How to join Pinterest?

I’m not certain why, but Pinterest is invite only.  Visit their home page to request an invite.

Why is it addictive?

For me, it’s a quite moment away from cleaning, blogging or kids… just 5 minutes to myself, lol, who am I kidding i do get stuck for longer.  I grab my iPad and pin.  I enjoy finding recipes to add to my meal plan, quotes that inspire me which I then enjoy sharing each day on facebook and inspiration on decorating my home.
My favourite board
I heart IKEA Expedit Unit I love all the clever ideas on how to store crafts, books and toys
My favourite Pin
I love this picture, so beautiful.  I have made it my iPad background
image credit unknown
Yummiest Pin
Cookie dough stuffed cupcakes.  I haven’t made them (yet) but they sound so tempting
image credit unknown
Strangest Pin
LOL, I probably lose more though
Pin on my To-do List
I want to make a wall filled with family photo’s.  I am collecting white frames, just not certain if the photo’s will be black and white or colour?
Funniest Pin
This just makes me laugh every time I see it, I love The Big Bang Theory
I couldn’t just choose one, Sesame street and muppets meets angry birds

More questions and help about Pinterest can be found here.

If you are a blogger you can link up to tinagray.me That’s Pinterest…ing each Sunday

Are you addicted to Pinterest?


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.