The gift of giving this Christmas

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

This post is sponsored by Nuffnang

I’ve mentioned previously about what Christmas means to our family, it’s very important that we spend time with our extended family and we really enjoy giving them a gift each year.  Gift giving isn’t about the obligation of always giving a gift, it’s so much more.  We put thought into what we will purchase, what we think they will love or want and always listen for little hints they give throughout the year.   We love watching people’s faces as they open their present, to see that smile and the surprise at what we have chosen for them.

Giving helps to show that we care, that they feel loved and that we are making an effort for them.  

I do a lot of the gift shopping alone (child free) as it’s much easier, but I usually ask the kids what they think we should buy the grandparents for Christmas before I make the purchase.  I always make sure the kids are with me to purchase Daddy’s present, I get them to pick it up and carry it to the register and usually one of them swipes my credit card.  We go home and wrap the gifts together and the kids write on the card.  Involving them in this process has really helped my kids understand that Christmas is also about giving not all about getting.  Teaching them this concept at such a young age has helped them develop compassion and encouraged them to follow through with this behaviour as they grow.

My son is a great example.  He is a pleaser and a giver, he likes to see those around him happy, always has.  He often forgoes something if there is only 2 so his sisters can have one each.  We were at a Carols by Candlelight recently and one of his sisters glow bands broke, he handed his over as he saw she was upset.  This melts my heart, but he felt so much happier knowing he helped them and brought a smile to their face.

We have also taught our kids that giving goes beyond Christmas and our family, friends, school teachers, neighbours etc, but also into our community and charities.

Variety is a Children’s Charity is a national not-for-profit organisation committed to transforming and enriching the lives of Australian children who are sick, disadvantaged or have special needs.  Through their three core programs Variety grants vital equipment, support and experiences which provide tangible and positive social benefits to the lives of children, families and the community.

Variety’s mission is to help these children attain their full potential regardless of ability or background and to empower them to live, laugh and learn. Variety’s work allows children to gain mobility and freedom, to get out and about in the community, be able to communicate, achieve independence and increase self-esteem, and where possible the assistance to help them be integrated into mainstream school and activities.

Variety has been in operation in Australia for almost 40 years and currently receives over $1 million worth of appeals and requests for assistance every month. Variety are only able to offer support because of the generosity of individuals and corporate supporters like Nurofen who give to Variety with an understanding of the work they do. Variety need your help to be able to continue the vital work that they do in the community.

We all know that Facebook is a fantastic way to communicate with friends, share photos and waste time, but I love how it can also be used for good and in this case to help a charity.  

Until the end of December Nurofen are generously donating $1 to Variety for every Like they receive on their Facebook page.  

Please take the time to like the Nurofen Facebook Page, all it takes is two clicks

Click here to visit the Nurofen Facebook Page and then click Like.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.