My goals for 2011

2011 has already started and I know this is going to be a great year….I just have a feeling 🙂  OK, I’m trying to be positive, join with me, enhance your attitude and encourage yourself to complete your goals for the year.

I have created my personal goals for this year.  And to keep me motivated and have a constant reminder that I have set myself a challenge to complete them, I printed and framed it (frame from Big W).  I have placed it on the wall next to my office desk, it looks fantastic, really happy with it!!

Here are my goals:

1.  Loose weight

Yes I know boring, like everybody.  But I really want to make this the year to become healthier.  I need to loose alot and I am on a mission to succeed!!  

2.  Drink less Coke (softdrink in general)

This goes in hand with becoming healthier, however I drink alot of coke, so this needs to be a goal of it’s own.  I don’t drink tea, coffee or alcohol….just don’t like the taste and have no desire.  So Coke has always been my ‘cuppa’. Instead of Coke I’ll try and drink more water.

3. Continually improve this blog.

I have so many ideas for you all, but I just need to magically find some time to accomplish all I want to do.


4. Spend more time with family and friends

I would love to have friends and family over for lunch/dinner more often.  BBQ’s through summer, or curry parties during winter. 

5. Create a school album for each of the kids

This has been in my thoughts for sometime.  I want to create 1 album of there school life filled with photo’s of kids friends, award presentations, teacher photos, school photos etc.  I have purchased the albums as a few of you have seen in the back ground of my project life photo (which I put up on TOH facebook page a few day’s ago).  Once I have worked out exactly what I am doing, I’ll share it with you all. 

6. Become up-to-date with my scrapbooking

I am so far behind in my scrapbooking (like a few years).  I would like to see the end of this year with all my scrapbooking up-to-date and becoming a dedicated scrapper.  I am going to try and scrap every friday night.  A few friends and I have been getting together for a crop so that’s lots of fun, hopefully that will continue through this year.  So for this reason I won’t be blogging on Saturday’s, as I am taking friday’s off to scrap 🙂

7.  Learn to love myself and take time out for myself 

Ok, this is a big one.  It was a big step for me to publish this picture of myself.  I am usually always behind the camera and don’t enjoy people taking photo’s of me.  Even though I need to loose alot of kilo’s I need to learn that I am beautiful the way I am, big girls can still be pretty!!  I want to remember to wear my jewelry (I have lots of it, but just forget to put it on).  Wear nicer clothes to make myself feel better.  I have always made sure the kids hair is braided/spiked up nicely, they are wearing their pretty necklaces, their dresses/shirts aren’t creased, but sadly neglected myself.  This will be a process but I am determined to learn!!!  I need to take time out, watch a movie, read a magazine (I don’t read books), scrap.  I’m hopefully going to plan a girls weekend away with friends mid year!!

What are you goals for 2011?

My Goals

My office, it’s a work in progress, would love to get a white vase and pretty flower to sit behind my laptop.  But that is also where my cat like to sit while I work.


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.