Happy Birthday to me!! Plus 35 things about me.

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Today is my 35th birthday, where has the time gone, each year just seems to pass by so fast.  Anyways, I am sure my hubby and kids will spoil me today and I will forget all about it soon enough.

Today I wanted to share a little more about me that you may not know and answer some questions that I was recently asked on facebook.

  1. My favourite colour is pink
  2. After 33 years I am finally drinking coffee
  3. I don’t drink alcohol, for no reason that it just doesn’t do it for me
  4. I find Buddha statues and butterflies really peaceful
  5. In the past 6 months I have found my passion for gardening again, I am keeping plants alive and look forward to revamping it more soon.
  6. I can’t stand slicing up a BBQ chicken, it makes me squirm
  7. I also can’t use my fingers to eat meat off a bone, like chicken drumsticks, chops or ribs
  8. The messiest room in my house would be our office
  9. I admit there are days that I don’t fold away the clean laundry and it does sit on my couch longer than 24 hours
  10. The one area of my life that I struggle to keep organised is my inbox.  But from 2013 that will be one of my biggest changes
  11. Biggest pet peeve that my hubby does is that he leaves his lunch box on the kitchen bench without unpacking it
  12. Yes I yell at my kids, they have been a little mischievous lately
  13. My favourite type of restaurant would be either Mexican or Chinese
  14. I have not scrapbooked since April 2011, I’m very behind
  15. My have grown 3 sizes since having kids
  16. I am still best friends with my childhood best friend
  17. I was married at 21
  18. There are no curtains in my house, I prefer wooden blinds
  19. I have a terrible memory and need to write everything down
  20. I love all vampire movies and TV shows
  21. I have a love hate relationship with my cat, as soon as I lie in bed and give my hubby a cuddle she pushes my arm away and lies between us.
  22. My favourite smell is rain, I really love working at my desk when it’s pouring rain
  23. I am very shy and find it hard to strike a conversation with somebody I don’t know
  24. If I had another girl I would call her Sienna Rose
  25. I do not read books, can’t remember the last time I read one
  26. I can’t wear perfume, I’m allergic and swells up my throat and causes a really bad headache
  27. I love PJ’s, they have to be soft and stretchy and if I could would wear them all day (but I don’t)
  28. Guilty pleasure would be a tub of Baskin-Robbins Choc Chip Cookie Dough while watching a girly movie
  29. My skin is so fair that I get sunburnt just putting washing on the line 🙁
  30. I love head massages
  31. I can’t stand shopping, I take my list, buy what i need and leave
  32. I was in the same room as Martha Stewart this year!
  33. I couldn’t spend a day without my iPad, it goes everywhere with me
  34. I love being a blogger
  35. The biggest thing that I have learnt this year is to lower the expectation I have on others

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.