Happy 1st Birthday to The Organised Housewife Blog

Blogoversary, blogiversary, how ever you spell this new word in my vocabulary, I love it, 2 reasons I am jumping up and down excited today.  I cannot believe how quickly 1 year has passed.  This time last year I hit publish on my very first post.  This blog has grown into so much more than I imagined it ever would.  I would love to thank you so much for taking the time to read what I write.  I hope you are enjoying the blog as much as I am loving writing it. 

Looking back on my first post I just went straight in for it, no introduction (because this blog started for my friends and family, they knew me and the reason I was writing).  Instead I hit publish on a meal plan.  So today I’ll share a little about me and why I started this blog.

About Me

I married the love of my life when I was 21, he was 20.  Our story is a fairytale (a story for another time), but we were always meant to be.  We purchased our first home when we were 21.  Before children I was a receptionist/personal assistant to a property developer.  We became parents at 25, to twins (boy and girl).  These babies were born to the most welcoming of arms, I had always dreamt on being a mum and to have 2 little babies at once was extra special (2 for 1 as my hubby says).  I am often asked what was it like having twins – I didn’t know any better, I didn’t know how easy it was to have 1 child.  I wasn’t an overly organised person before babies, however having the twins certainly made me change my ways, behaviours and habits.  I didn’t have time to be picking up and tidying up, I soon learnt that if I created a home for everything, always put it away after I used it, it was then one less thing I had to do later.   We than had baby number three (girl) 2  years later,  which, I then learn how easy having one baby is. 

I am a SAHM but finding recently that blogging is taking a good portion of my day.  We have chosen for me to be a SAHM as it allows me to help at school, go on excursions, pick the kids up when they are sick, bake (lots of baking) and take the kids to their after school sporting commitments.  We sacrifice a lot for me to be here with the kids, budget, budget, budget!  I do however, work a few hours each week helping other mum’s become organised in their home.

Here I’m helping organise a pantry (yes post will be coming!!)

Why I started to blog

After my youngest started school I dabbled in painting and selling my creations, I soon realised it was hard to sell artwork at an affordable price as so much time and effort is involved.  I stopped painting, the house was clean, tidy, organised…I was bored, I needed something to occupy my time.   

I found my friends asking for advice, my recipes and copies of the printables I created to keep the kids in an everyday routine.   I thought a blog was a perfect way to collaborate all the information.  I put it on my personal FB page asking if my friends would be interested in reading it and asked advice on what I should call it.  One dear friend, mentioned she always considered me to be an Organised Housewife, so the next day The Organised Housewife began.

My friends and family have been wonderful support and encouragement throughout this past year, I have already thanked each one of them, but again, THANKYOU!! xx

The blogs aim

My aim is to motivate and inspire readers to enjoy the journey they are living with their family while easily keeping a tidy home.  I want you to learn that keeping your home clean and organised isn’t a chore.  Set your routines, create homes for your things, create a home you are comfortable in living in.  Don’t compare yourself to others, set your limits and goals and you will achieve them. 

Nominated for Best Blog

I am a finalist in the AusMumpreneur Best Blog of the Year! (Yes another reason to be jumping up and down excited!!)  Frequently readers send me emails to thank me for all the effort I put into the blog and how I am helping them change their lives for the better (I love these emails, thankyou).  But…somebody went that extra step further and nominated me for the Connect2mums AusMumpreneur Best Blog award.   I am so honoured and very grateful to be considered as such. 

To win this award would be an absolute honour and great encouragement to continue making my blog a place to give those struggling or looking for guidance, the help and motivation they need.  It would also provide a great opportunity to give the blog more exposure.  I would
like to reach out to more people that don’t know how to seek or search for help and inspiration to create an organised home.

When you have a moment, can you please take a minute and vote for The Organised Housewife blog.   Click HERE to vote, please choose best blog category, find The Organised Housewife, click on the image then click like under the image and description, then your finished, easy. 





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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.