Beauty & Grooming Tips

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

This is a guest post by Norlin, from the blog Baubles, Bubbles & Bags Style File

We almost always forget ourselves when it comes to organising our lives. When I say ourselves, I mean, looking after ourselves in the beauty and grooming department. All too often we leave things to the last minute, and therefore causing some slight chaos, not just in the looks department but also limiting our own time and resources to make us feel and look good. When I say looking good, I don’t mean looking like a supermodel, but more presentable to us and the world we face each day. While it might seem shallow to some, it is true though how little things that we do can make us feel good. While most of us have busy lives, I’m going to share with you a few easy-to-follow tips to keep you all organised for the year in the beauty department.

More often than not, it’s basic grooming that we do which will keep us looking good and well looked after. Simple things like our eyebrows, skincare regimes, nails and hair can actually minimise daily fuss if we keep to these simple tips.


The eyes are the windows to your soul and in actual fact, having your eyebrows shaped and groomed can minimise your daily beauty routine. A nicely shaped pair of eyebrows helps frame the face and reduces the need for you to apply any make-up. Not sure how to shape your own eyebrows? Then it’s best to go to a salon and have it done professionally. Once that is done, you would only need to do weekly “clean-ups” yourself. You would however have to have them re-done every 4 weeks – just to make sure your eyebrows stay the right shape. Tinting your eyebrows can also help save some time in getting ready, but I normally steer clear of this unless I have a great beautician you can do this really well.


Want to keep your hair looking good all the time? A simple tip that we have to follow yet not many of us do (yes me included) is to have your hair trimmed every 4 to 6 weeks. This minimises breakage, split ends and keeps you looking fresh every time. For you to actually do this regularly, I would advise you to book in your appointments in advance. That way you can have them locked in at the hairdressers as well as in your diary!


Having regular facials can help you minimise having to fork out heaps of cash later. Regularly
exfoliating (at least twice a week) ensures that your skin stays clear of any impurities and ready to absorb any creams you apply in your daily routine. You can do weekly facials at home – a simple cleans, exfoliate and mask – to save some money, but you would need to go to a salon for major facials like getting rid of blackheads, whiteheads and other impurities every 4 to 6 weeks. While salon facials might seem extravagant, but I think this saves money in the long run from having you fix any major blemishes later on. Again, book in advance so that you can have it in your diary.


If you like having your nails painted, then go for it, but more often than not, we simply haven’t got the time or in some cases money, to spend getting our nails done. For you to keep your nails nicely groomed all the time, my advice is to have them at a length that you can handle. Square shaped nails are easy to upkeep in my opinion. Cuticles that are neat and tidy give your nails that gorgeous, groomed look too. You can groom your nails at home by following these easy steps:

      1. File your nails – in one direction and when they are dry. I recommend using a glass nail file rather than an emery board.
      2. Soak your nails in some warm water. You can choose to add some Epsom salt to soften your cuticles.
      3. Apply some cuticle oil on your cuticles to soften them further. Then with an orange stick simply push back your cuticles. I would avoid cutting them as this would cause the cuticles to grow thicker next time plus you might accidentally cut your skin instead.
      4. If you’re looking to paint your nails, then buff them to keep the nails smooth for easy application. If not, then I would say you’re ready to go!
      5. Last tip – if you want to minimise your nail grooming time, then paint your nails in clear or nude colours. This will make your re-growth less obvious when you haven’t got the time to re-paint your nails.

I hope these easy tips will help keep your beauty regime better organised and looking spiffy all the time. Remember, YOU matter too!

About Baubles, Bubbles & Bags

Norlin is the editor of Baubles, Bubbles & Bags Style File, a blog that covers fashion, beauty and lifestyle tips for women with a discerning taste. Her mantra is to help women discover ways to achieve the beauty, style and lifestyle they want without breaking the bank. She believes that beauty should be attainable for all.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.