{Guest Post} Organised Health

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

Continuing with the Organising You month, one of the most important areas is our health.  Far too many often neglect our own health, yes I put my hand up.  Below you will find a few of the tips to help make that all important start.

This is a guest post by Cathy Kosterich , from iHealth Coach.

With the world speeding up we increasingly need to be organised to get all the things done that we want to do. Yet all this busyness can lead to us not paying enough attention to our health. 

So perhaps it is time to be organised about your wellbeing. This will be easier than you might think.    

To achieve this, we need to have realistic expectations of what we are trying to achieve, have useful information to support us and be able to track our progress. The two biggest components to wellbeing are what we eat and how active we are.


The first step is to make a plan. Wanting to lose weight or get fit without a plan is like trying to build a house without a plan. The bricks won’t put themselves together and in the pattern you want. Neither will your new eating plan or exercise regimes just create itself. Write your plan down and consult it regularly. You can adjust it as you go too.

Make a list of the foods you need to have at home and go shopping after eating. You will be less likely to buy foods you don’t need.

You need to do simple mathematics. Count and measure what you eat. With any change in eating patterns you need to measure calories and portion sizes till you start to intuitively “get” how many calories are in different foods. With exercise you need to count the minutes and do your exercise at set times so it becomes ingrained in your schedule and not something on the “to do” list. Find out how many minutes of exercise are needed to burn off that muffin – you may be surprised and it will help you resist the temptation.


With any new exercise regime, plan in your diary when you are going to do it. See exercise as part of your schedule rather than something to do if there is a spare half hour. We all have 24 hours in the day available to us. Being organised means you can be fit and still have plenty of hours for everything else.


Having set goals; you want to be able to track how you are going. It can be hard to remember figures from last week so you need to record them.

The iHealth Coach app

Your plans and organised health can now be supported by an app.  There is an old adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.  For the 21st century an app a day can help you be healthy. 

The iHealth Coach app gives you –

1)     A calorie burner that calculates how many calories you burn up with various activities. 

2)     A Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator with a 3D image estimate of how you could look at different BMI’s. 

3)     A BMI/weight tracker to let you monitor your progress. 

4)     A goal setter, which enables you to set and track your personal goal. Combined with the tracker you can see how you are moving towards your chosen goal.

5)     A waist/hip ratio calculator, which is a useful indicator of metabolic health. 

6)     A hydration calculator so you can see whether you are drinking enough water.

And there are tips on how to be healthy from Australian GP – Dr Joe Kosterich.

Available now at the app store for only $0.99

For regular updates and health bites connect with iHealth Coach on

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View app on iTunes HERE 

About Guest

You can also connect with Dr Joe at www.drjoe.net.au  Subscribe to his weekly newsletter to download the FREE eBook – Essential DIY Health – Just what the doctor ordered.

You can also look under the Health Tools section of his website to find useful information on healthy eating and portion sizes. 

This post was written by a guest contributor. If you are interested in ‘being my guest’ please visit Be my Guest page for more details.

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.