{Guest Post} My Awesome Rack

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

This is a guest post by Sarah, from the blog Mums the Word.

How can something so insignificant make such a big impact on my schedule? I was wondering this after telling HB for the hundredth time how totally amazing my new coat rack was..HB had already made tracks and wasn’t listening to me, too scared I’d think of another handy thing for him to do while he had his tool belt out…

So I’ll tell you instead! My new coat rack is amazing! Now, I kinda do this every time I get something new, rave on about how I don’t know how I lived without it and how uber cool it is.. But this is different.. For starts it’s been ages and I still think it’s totally awesome, I really don’t know how I kept things organised without it.

The kids know now that their school bags, winter jackets and hats live there.  As soon as they enter the front door the rascals race to hang their stuff on “their” hook, take their lunch boxes out and deliver them to the breakfast bar.  When this is done we are set to have afternoon tea and settle into the night routine. As soon as dinner is through the homework and lunch boxes go back in their bags repacked and ready for the morning.

This makes the days so stress free because I know in the morning there will not be desperate scrounging for lost hats, crumpled blazers or missing homework.  Instead there’s time for a nice, calm (well as calm as can be with three kids in the house) breakfast with a chat about the day ahead,  time to make their beds and spend a few minutes playing before the busy day begins. 

Unfortunately Sarah moved before I could get her to take a photo, but you may enjoy some of previous posts about the school bag nook, and more inspiring nooks here

About Guest

Mums the word –  Sarah writes about keeping house, keeping kids and trying to keep my sanity.  Her blog is an attempt to express herself, connect with other stay at home mums and have a good laugh at the things that happen in our very full/hectic yet happy life.  She also runs an online shop Mums the Word Boutique, visit her wonderful selection of kids toys and wall prints.

Sarah’s blog is no longer active.

This post was written by a guest contributor. If you are interested in ‘being my guest’ please visit Be my Guest page for more details.

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.