Finding my normality in New York

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Coming to New York has been exactly what I have needed. These past 10 weeks have been the hardest I have ever had to endure. Losing my mum has been a heartbreaking and the most devasting experience. I have not been myself these past weeks, I have tried to keep up with my blog posts, appear OK and being a great mother and wife, but to be honest it has been so hard. During this time I have not kept the house as tidy as I like, cooked as much, tried to put on a happy face, I have rarely left the house, not exercised, I have avoided talking to my friends and ignoring phone calls as I don't want to 'talk about it' and combined with the thoughts of travelling to New York by myself I have not been able to sleep. I am finding myself still awake at 2am most mornings. My kids have been sick for the past 3 weeks with at least one home from school during this time. So… even though I was worried about coming to NY by myself, I needed to be here by myself. I needed to get away and FIND myself again.

Being at this conference has inspired me and given me drive to find my 'normality' again. I want to return home and be me. I want to sleep properly, not live in chaos, be happy because I am and spend more time in the sun with my family. I know I can do it.

I would really like to thank Howards Storage World for helping me to visit New York. I have had a great time at the conference, blogging in America is far more advanced Australia, it has been wonderful to learn from them and absorb all their knowledge. I went to sessions such as iphoneography, valuing yourself, technical toolkit: doing less with more. All inspiring, I've walked away motivated and with a vision.

My adventure begins

The streets are so busy

The yellow cabs are everywhere and the most craziest drivers

I walked around the city and stumbled across Broadway
I had a 'blow out' at this stylish salon, I love the colours!
I then went shopping at Macy's and caught a peddle bike back to the hotel, I was so scared we were going to get clipped from a cab
I found the subway
Times Square
Met some fellow Aussie bloggers, Carly Findlay

and Katrina

I'm all set to learn!
Martha Stewart was a keynote speaker
I'm in love with the Martha Stewart Home Office range, I hope to find some and bring them home as they don't stock them in Australia (hint hint Martha)
I ended a very busy day with a walk at dust through central park.

I still have one more day and night in the big city, then I travel home and get to see my beautiful family who I am missing terribly on Wednesday.



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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.