Quite a few of our Facebook ‘likers’ have been contacting me mentioned that The Organised Housewife Facebook posts are no longer showing up in their newsfeed.
Unfortunately Facebook have recently made some changes giving preference to showing your friends feeds over pages. This would be why you have been missing my most recent blog posts, Daily Tasks, Quote of the Day and other tips I offer.
Facebook page owners work hard to create a facebook community, ours now 18,000+ likers. I would like you all to get the most from what I give, that being facebook is a place to easily access my latest updates.
How to get your favourite pages showing in your newsfeed
- Interact on the facebook page ‘Like’ wall posts or Comment. (this would be my preference as I LOVE hearing from you); or
- Create lists
What is a list?
When facebook made their recent changes they now allow you to create lists, grouping like friends together, their idea of making it easier to keep up to date with particular friend groups. Create a list for the different pages you follow and group your friends together, such as :
- Motivation
- TV Shows
- Mum Businesses
- Local Community
- Blogs
- Resources
- Family
- Friends
- Mum’s from school
- Friends I went to school with
- Work friends
How to create a list for your favourite page:
- Place your mouse over the list title on your Facebook newsfeed page, this is in the left sidebar
- Click more
- Create a list and name
- Click add Friends
- Then in the top right corner click the drop down menu which is defaulted to friends and choose pages
- Then press done
I hope these tips help for The Organised Housewife and your other favourite pages to reappear in your newsfeed.
Please don’t be shy, pop by anytime and say hi!