Tips to help you create an accessible and tidy system for your pots and pans. Learn from my organising experience and make the best use out of your storage space.
A while back I re-organised my saucepan cupboard so that everything was easier to access. This cupboard used to be organised, but the existing system wasn’t working, and the cabinet needed to be re-organised. Where you store your pots and pans can be a tricky place in the kitchen to keep organised and be easily accessible. My tips is to have clearly defined spaces for items and to make sure that everyone in your household can see or knows where to put away items.

Before – This cupboard was actually organised originally. However, when the kids help to put away clean dishes they just tend to chuck things into the cupboard. No matter how many times I ask them not to… you know how it goes with kids.

Anyways… it was driving me nuts. Every time it came to cooking dinner, I would smash saucepans. The whole neighbourhood probably knew I was looking for a saucepan. So I needed to come up with a simpler system, where I could access everything easily. As well as a clearer place for everything to go. This way all members of the family could see where to put things.
I used a shoe rack, which is a budget friendly way to create the shelving I needed.
After – This makes all the pans much more accessible and gives everything it’s own place.
I have used some clear containers to hold the lids, they are easy to pull in and out off the shelf. The containers are a good height, as being a little taller they keep the lids upright. So I can easily grab out the lid I need.