Plans for the School Holidays

School holidays have now started here in Queensland.  The weather has been perfect the past few weeks so I really do hope it continues to be this way.

I would like to take the kids out through the holidays, enjoy the outdoors, visit parks, see friends and go to the movies.  I’m going to Sydney for a few days to attend the Nuffnang Blogopolis Conference and visit family.  I’ll also be spending time at my Dad’s helping him tidy up his house.  I also have to catch up around my own home.  My hubby has been fantastic over the past few weeks, he has cooked just about every meal, washed the dishes and puts the washing on, but I really need to get back into my day to day routine, cleaning bathrooms, floors and dusting is at the top of my list.  I have let the house go over the past few weeks, so expect some great before and after posts.  

I’ll use my School Holiday Planner to plan and organise all the activities we would like to do during the kids 2 week break.

My oven has also been broken the past 2 weeks, which has been a struggle as I LOVE to bake.  The holidays will be a great opportunity to bake some muffins, cookies and restock the freezer of lunchbox treats.

During the holidays I like to do the following tasks before school goes back:

  • Vacuum out school bags with the brush attachment
  • Give school bags a wipe down with liquid detergent and warm water, hang on the line to dry
  • Wash lunch bags, brush through the zipper area to get all the trapped food, hang on the line to dry
  • Give the ice bricks a good wash
  • Give the drink bottles a good scrub inside and out
  • Wash shoes with a damp cloth, allow to dry, sprinkle with bicarb to remove any smells, then polish
  • Soak their school socks (they are white) in nappy san for a day, then wash.  This will get them back to a crisp white removing a lot of dirt that doesn’t come out in the normal wash
  • Mend uniforms
  • Tidy up their hair ties, see organising hair ties HERE
  • Tidy up the homework area, see organising school papers HERE
  • Try and use up as much pantry food as I can
  • Restock the freezer with more baking for lunchboxes

I hope you enjoy School Holidays with your kids when they start!

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.