Birthday Party Idea for a Busy Mum

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

I have a rather hectic fortnight each year, all my 3 kids and more extended family having their birthdays in the same fortnight. ‘That’ fortnight has just finished. However, the twins turned 13 this year and I have agreed to each of them having a sleepover party, or in Mr 13’s case, ‘my mates stayin the night’. Whilst Miss 11 gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes asking if she can have a party too.  She hasn’t had a birthday party in a very long time so I agreed.  She had a few friends over to celebrate her birthday party last weekend.

Birthday Party Idea for a Busy Mum

To be kind to myself I am making these 3 parties simple, not extravagant.  I don’t have the energy at the moment to make fancy decorations, loads of food or pretty table displays. Although, at 11 and 13 I don’t think the kids really want it either.

Miss 11’s Sunshine Party

Miss 11 chose sunshine as her theme for her party, this really sums her up in one word.  She is a delightfully happy and positive little lady, who just wants to make those around her smile. This is Miss as a junior bridesmaid at her great Aunties wedding, she looks so angelic here.  Miss 11 is a mini me, she keeps her room beautifully tidy, rarely anything about of place and is a little bossy, LOL, yes I’m bossy too!!


The Theme

Sunshine is the theme, I made invitations for her party on the computer and used a sun to symbolise sunshine, the remainder of the decorations I used were yellow. All this was purchased from the party section at Kmart.

I got yellow goodie bags, plates, balloons, some forks and a balloon pump, that’s it! All this was purchased from the party section at Kmart.


The Food

On the invitation I asked the guest to please have lunch before they came, strategically so I didn’t need to make more food and because I wanted to leave (see schedule below) shortly after the guests arrived.

Cake – The day before the party I made the birthday cake and stored it in an airtight container ready to ice on the party day. I’ll share the recipe for the cake soon, I made the most delicious strawberry butter cake, with strawberry cream cheese icing.


White chocolate coated popcorn – I made this the day before and stored it in the fridge overnight. I followed this recipe, which is really easy, just a matter of melting chocolate and mixing ingredients, doesn’t take too long to make at all. Instead of using easter eggs, I used the yellow M&M from the banana M&M packet, which gave it a lovely banana taste.


Fruit – I diced up some watermelon and coupled it with a few handfuls of grapes as a healthy snack.

Chips – a savoury option. Perhaps I could have changed the bag of chips for something a little more healthier, but this is what Miss asked for, we rarely ever have bags of chips in the pantry, so I was happy with this choice.

Lollies – it’s a party, she wanted her favourite strawberries and cream and while I was shopping I saw clinkers on sale so grabbed a pack of them too.  Funnily enough, the girls didn’t touch the clinkers at all.

The goodie bags

The girls had lollies and other sweet food at the party, so Miss 11 wanted to give her friends a goodie bag filled with things she knew they will enjoy.

The goodie bag, stationery pack and nailpolish were from Kmart and the smelly erasers from The Reject Shop.


I created a thank you label to stick to the goodie bag. they are available to download in my shop.


The birthday activities

A photo booth – Miss 13 wanted a photo booth for her party, so both girls and I made this up in time for both girls to use at their parties. It was such a hit, with so much laughter.


Miss 13 was in charge of the camera, we have a clever trick, which I will share with you in a how to make a DIY photo booth post soon.


Inflatable world – I took the girls out to inflatable world.  An indoor inflatable play centre, 2 hours of them jumping, climbing and more.  After 2 hours they are exhausted and sweaty!

Pool – They were so hot and couldn’t wait to get in the pool.

Attendance numbers

Miss 11 really wanted to take her friends to Inflatable World, so I had to take how many I could fit into the car into consideration, she could only invite 4 friends. 5 energetic girls in 30 minute car ride is plenty!!

The Birthday Schedule

We asked all guests to bring socks, swimmers and a towel. Not everybody brought a towel, I was just trying to save on washing for myself, normally I wouldn’t mind washing towels, except we don’t have a clothesline at the moment, drying lots of towels on a clothes hoist takes time and coincidentally, my clothes dryer decided to stop working on this day too.

The party schedule:

12.00pm – guests arrive

12.10pm – the girls have a blast with the photo booth

12.30pm – leave for inflatable word

1.00pm – girls begin their 2 hours of fun


1.15pm – meanwhile, i took my laptop and a homemade coffee and did some work while they were enjoying themselves

1.30pm – girls are hungry, I brought snacks in my esky!

birthday-party-ideas-for-a-busy-mumI also packed each girl a bottle of water.  I put the initial of their name on the lid, so they knew which one was theirs.  Thankfully the venue had a bubbler so they could easily fill up the bottles when empty.


3.00pm – head home

3.30pm – get home, girls get changed into swimmers

3.45pm – time for birthday cake


4.00pm – girls swim in the pool

4.05pm – I sit in quiet and have a coffee

5.30pm – drag them out of the pool as parents arrive


With planning this party wasn’t too hard to put together.  As we didn’t stay at the house, I didn’t need to put up decorations, food was ample, they filled up on cake as soon as they got home so they didn’t need any more food.

Do you have any birthday party tips?

I need whatever tips you can give me, considering I have nine 13-year-old girls sleeping over next weekend… aaahhhh.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.