A little fling with your filing

This is a guest post by Kylie, from Get Me Organised

As I sit down to write some tips on organising your office filing and paperwork, I recall the phone conversation I had with a girlfriend this morning.  She has been flat out at work recently, and also very busy at home with her husband and daughter, and today was the day for the whole world to come crashing down around her.  And, the very thing that got her to tipping point was the sight of weeks worth of business and personal filing taking up space on her desk, and cluttering her thoughts.  So, it was fitting that I had planned to write this post today because I got a real life example to draw from.


Below are some tips on how to avoid getting to that tipping point with your filing.

Clear the backlog

Step 1 – sort through the pile of paperwork including magazines and newspapers, and group into two piles; trash or file.  You might like to bring a rubbish bin into the office so you can get rid of trash immediately.

Step 2 – now that you have a neat pile of paperwork to file, devise a filing system that works for you.  If you work with others, consider whether they would look for the information in the same place as you.  Your system may include files for tasks to complete, invoices to pay, interesting articles, client files, or outgoing mail.

Step 3 – file that pile away into your filing cabinet/folders.  You might even find that on second glance, you really don’t need to keep some of the paperwork. 

File daily

Now that you have your backlog cleared, you can take some simple steps to ensure it never needs hours of attention again.  The first step is to file daily.  Take 30 seconds to file the paperwork now, and avoid having to spend an hour of your family time on the weekend sorting out 1-2 weeks of paperwork.  The second step is to adopt the FAST approach:

  • File it
  • Action it
  • Send it
  • Trash it

This system doesn’t just work for your paperwork, you can apply the FAST rules to your inbox and digital filing as well.  This means all your information is stored in a simple, easy to use, totally tailored filing system just for you. 

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.