How to organise your fridge so that you can maximise its space and utility. An organised fridge helps prevent food wastage and makes it easier to find what you need when during food preparation and cooking.
Do you feel that you don’t have enough room in your fridge? Perhaps it feels like you’re playing a game of Jenga when you take items in and out of the fridge? As my kids have grown up we are tending to buy more and more food, requiring that I utilise all of my fridge space effectively. I organise my fridge with containers and trays to optimise the space I have available in my fridge and the accessibility of the food. Even if you feel that you don’t have enough room in your fridge, once it is organised efficiently you might find that you do have enough space.
Read More: Find tips here on how to clean your fridge before you start organising.

The benefits to fridge organisation:
- Saves money
- Food will keep longer
- Makes it easier to see what food you have, so you should eat it before spoiling
- You’ll eat healthier
- You can easily see what food you are running low on and what you need to buy
- Makes it easier when it comes to meal planning and cooking dinners
- It makes preparing school lunches quicker too!
Organising your fridge won’t take much time and you’ll find it easy to maintain, so let’s take a look at a few ideas for you.
Containers aren’t just for the pantry. Smaller items such as condiments, fruits, and snacks can often get lost in the fridge. Investing in clear fridge storage containers makes it easy for you to find things and it’s also visually pleasing.
- Designate areas in your fridge and group all like items together, such as, beverages, condiments, dairy, meat, fruit etc. Use containers or trays to keep items neatly together.
- I like to use labelled containers for each different type of food I stock consistently in the fridge. Apples, citrus, snacks, spreads, yoghurt etc.
- Turntables are great way to make sure that items at the back of the fridge are easily accessible
- Using labels in the fridge helps everyone in the family see where items belong. Plus labels give me instant organised gratification!
I cut up and store some fruit and vegetables in containers. I have done this for so many years it’s now become a habit and it makes it easier to find what’s in the fridge and allows it to last longer. I like that when I am in the busy process of making dinner the chopping is done or when I am feeling like a snack, I can grab some chopped watermelon rather than something sweet like a cookie, just because it’s convenient.
- When I come home from a grocery shop I unpack all the grocery items and put them away, except fruit and vegetables.
- I wash fruit and vegetables.
- I chop and store the food I like pre-cut in containers (broccoli, cauliflower and watermelon are my musts to chop).
- Then store the remainder of the cleaned fruit and veg either in the crisper, tubs or storage containers.
This process takes about 15 minutes most times, but it well worth my sanity on those busy nights when it comes to cooking dinner.
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