In this day and age, we all pretty much own a phone or android device where we can download apps, which I have to admit can be very handy to have at easy reach.  Putting aside possibly the most used photo, calendar and social media apps like Facebook and Instagram, there is a collection of apps I use regularly to help make life simpler,  organised and saved my sanity. Here are my top 7 best apps for busy mums, I hope they can help you out too!

Here are my top 7 best phone apps for busy mums, I hope they can help you out too!

Please share in the comments what are some of your favourite apps


I stopped taking the pill last year (that’s a scary story to share one day). I liked the pill in the sense that I knew when to expect my period, but now it’s a surprise so using the period tracker I know when to expect it as it’s got a formula to automatically predict menstruation periods.  My teen girls also use this app.

  MPT – Period Tracker app is available on iTunes

Here are my top 7 best phone apps for busy mums, I hope they can help you out too!


I’ve plateaued with my weight loss at the moment and I have been using this app to keep track of what I have been eating and the amount of exercise I have been doing. It has a huge database of food which includes all the nutritional details. This makes it easy to learn my daily calorie intake, which then, in turn, shows me if I am making the right food choices.

  My Fitness Pal app is available on iTunes and Android. 

Here are my top 7 best phone apps for busy mums, I hope they can help you out too!


I have the AltaHR Fit Bit which I wear through the day and night, it keeps track of my Heart Rate and sleep patterns.  I was suffering panic attacks quite a lot last year and I got this to help monitor myself, it was interesting seeing the intervals I peaked and working out what was agitating me and coming up with a solution to help reduce my stress levels to calm my heart rate.  I also like seeing my sleep pattern when I am falling asleep and how deep my sleep pattern can get. And of course, monitoring my daily step count is fun to do too!

  Fitbit app is available on iTunes and Android. 

Here are my top 7 best phone apps for a busy mum, I hope they can help you out too!


This new feature is absolutely brilliant.  At times my children tend to have their devices glued to their hand. Apple’s Screen Time feature allows me to restrict the amount of time they spend on their device, switching off specific apps at 8pm every weeknight and I give them a little longer on weekends. For my older kids I don’t switch off their apps but have rules set in place, and I can use this feature to check in and see if they are using their phones when they aren’t meant to. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this new feature!.

  To turn on Screen Time on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to Settings > Screen Time


I purchased the entertainment book via a fundraiser the school was doing.  You now have a choice to purchase the book or a digital membership.  I recently downloaded the app and have been using it to find great discounted offers for eating out and local entertainment options (was great through the school holidays). They also have activities, shopping and accommodation deals throughout Australia and New Zealand. As a handy companion, this smartphone app will help to easily search and map the Entertainment participants.

  There’s an Entertainment Book for most areas of Australia, the app is available on iTunes and Android. 

Here are my top 7 best phone apps for busy mums, I hope they can help you out too!


Wunderlist is a great to-do app that can be used from any device – your phone, tablet and even computer. It is updated between devices in real time, making it super easy to keep track of everything no matter where you are. I really like how simple Wunderlist is to use, and also like that you can link it with other members of the family to keep track of everyone.

  Wunderlist is available on iTunes, Android and desktop

Here are my top 7 best phone apps for a busy mum, I hope they can help you out too!7. MODERN ESSENTIALS

When I’m not feeling well and I know there’s an essential oil that can help (but I’m not exactly sure which one), I like being able to check the Modern Essentials app, find my “condition” and see exactly which oils to use and how to use them. The app also helps you learn more about how to use your oils, which ones are good for topical application and which oils blend well together.

  Modern Essentials is available on iTunes and Android

Here are my top 7 best phone apps for a busy mum, I hope they can help you out too!

What are your top 3 must have apps?

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.