5 Simple Tools to Declutter your home finances

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

This post is sponsored by BPAY View

I love how today’s technology is constantly changing, some find it hard to keep up, but I like that some businesses and organisations are trying to run paper free.  Our school only sends correspondence through email, the kids don’t bring home any paper notes and many businesses are sending our bills via email if we choose this option.

When I purchased my last phone, I thought I would do the right thing and ticked the box to receive my bills via email and whilst I was really happy to get my office on tract to being paper free, this was an epic fail on my part.  My bill soon became lost in the 1000 odd unread messages in my inbox, it’s no secret that you all know I can’t keep up-to-date with my emails. Sadly there were two occasions that I failed to pay my phone bill and received late payment fees. Something needed to change pronto.  This is how I learnt that BPAY View could help me eliminate the likelihood of forgetting a bill and receiving late fees again.  You will find below the easy steps to settig up your bills with BPAY View.

5 Simple Tools to
Declutter your home finances


1. Think Ahead

Divide large bills (such as rates, electricity, car rego) into weekly, fortnightly or monthly amounts.  Schedule recurring BPAY payments to spread the cost of this bill across a period of time, rather than a huge bill which usually comes at the wrong time of year, like just after Christmas. Ultimately when your bill is due, you would of already paid off most of it.

2. Eliminate Paper Clutter

Decluttering your home from bills lying around in draws, on the fridge or pinned to the corkboard is the best spring clean you can have. File what you need throw away what you don’t and keep only the essentials. Even better eradicate paper bills completely by receiving them through BPAY View, if you can.

What I really like about BPAY View is that I don’t need to file away the bills!!  Who has time for filing these days? Not me!  BPAY View will store a link to your bills which you can access via your internet bank so you can always refer back to them at a later date if needed.  Eg, to compare your monthly bill amounts when budgeting, or if you need to locate a bill for tax purposes.

3. Bill and Recipet Organiser

I have shared with you how I use my bill organiser for all bills I recieve in the mail. However, using BPAY View and receiving the majority of my household bills electronically through my bank eliminates the need to write the due dates on the calendar and keep track via the organiser.  However, I still use it to store all my accounts and repayment plan information and keep my receipts organised.

After I come home from a day of shopping I take all my receipts out of the shopping bags and file them into my receipts box.  Every few weeks (weekly would be preferable, but sometimes time gets away from me), we go through our receipts and enter our spending into our budget.

I then keep them in the Bill Organiser so I can easily refer to a receipt if there is a discrepancy on our credit cards statement, or if I need to return an item back to the store.

At the end of the year I clear out all receipts, keeping those for tax purposes and securely disposing of the rest.

4. Budget

Don’t spend more than what you earn, it may be common sense but it is one of the biggest mistakes to savvy spending and saving. Create a budget and record how you are spending your money.  You will soon see which areas you are overspending and work on these areas.

5. Start Saving 

After all expenses have been paid most people like to spend the rest, because they can, leaving nothing for saving. Quite simply if you can’t save money in one bank account, create another separate high interest account and put away just a small regular amount each month – even $100, this way it is out of site out of mind and won’t be spent.  Over a period of time this will build up to a nice little nest egg that can help towards larger purchases, holidays, or unexpected expenses.

5 Simple Steps to
Setting up your Bills with BPAY View

1. Check your bill

Many important businesses have already signed up to BPAY View. To see if your biller is among them, look for BPAY View in the How to Pay section of your bill or check this list of BPAY View billers. If your biller is not listed on BPAY website, you can put a request via the BPAY web site for your biller to offer the service.

2. Log on

Log onto your financial institution’s Internet banking site & look for the BPAY View or View Bills section.

3. Register

Follow the prompts to register for BPAY View with each of your billers. Each Biller or organisation may require slightly different information but generally you will need:

    • Your customer name as it appears on the bill
    • The BPAY Biller Code
    • Your Customer Reference Number
    • Your BPAY View Registration number which is noted in the BPAY payments box on your bill.

Just look for the distinctive BPAY Biller code and reference number on your bill:

Look up a BPAY View Biller and find out what information they need to register you. You can contact your Biller as well

4. Get confirmation

Within two working days, your financial institution will be in touch by email or through your online or mobile bank to confirm you’re registered. They’ll also let you know when your next statement or bill arrives.

5. And you’re done!

Once you are successfully registered with BPAY View, you will receive a notification when a new bill has arrived either via email or the next time you log onto your Internet Banking site.


Disclaimer:  This post is sponsored by BPAY and coordinated by Nuffnang.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.