How I organise all our pet supplies & keep the house pet clean

This post is sponsored by Pet Circle

We have one very gorgeous but snobby Ragdoll cat, her name is Millee.  She sleeps all day but finds her energy at night running around the house and scratching at the doors cause she wants some attention. I thought Millee would be my beloved snuggly lap cat but she is the total opposite, she doesn’t enjoy being held for any more than 30 seconds and she adores my husband more than me…. but I still love her!!

She lies at the end of our bed most of the day (I keep a towel on the spot she lies to stop the linens from getting grotty)

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In the past I hesitated in getting a pet as you know I like to keep the house clean and tidy and worried that my house would have a ‘pet smell’, but then again I couldn’t have a pet and leave him/her outside in the cold.  We really wanted a cat so we researched to make sure we found the right type of breed for our family, we choose a Ragdoll as they are an indoor cat… beautifully soft and clean!  We have managed to keep our home pet clean and keep everything ‘Millee’ organised!

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Similar to how I like to routinely clean the house, I’m very routine when it comes to Millee, I have the dates in the calendar when I need to give her flea treatments, brush her every Wednesday night while I watch TV and Mr Organised feeds her as we go to bed.  I keep on top of her food supplies, litter and medicines to ensure we never run out.  What I love most about Pet Circle is they have a convenient and simple system that you can purchase all your pet supplies (food, medicines, toys and more) and create a schedule for them to be automatically deliver pet supplies to your door every month or whenever suits you, so you will never run out.  Especially good if you don’t have the room to store big bags of food. They offer a reasonable flat rate shipping to all metro areas, regardless of how much you order, shipping will not increase.  Plus you can save up to 15% off the already competitive price (they are cheaper than most pet stores) when you set up the auto-delivery service.

Visit Pet Circle WEBSITE and FACEBOOK



How to keep your home ‘pet smell free’

We keep Millee’s food, water and litter tray in the laundry.  We use the Crystals in the littler tray which are changed once a fortnight.  Each night we pick up all the ‘solids’ and the ‘liquid’ in the tray is absorbed by the crystals at the bottom of the tray. I have found using the crystals eliminates the cat smell compared to the other litter options.

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It was very important to me to keep the house from smelling like a cat and found in the beginning that having all her ‘stuff’ in the laundry and needing to keep the door open so she can easily get in and out wasn’t working.  I needed to close the laundry door, not just from her smells but when the washing machines is on I like to close the door to make it quieter and yes to shut away any mess in there!!   So I got Mr Organised to install a cat flap/doggy door on the internal laundry door which allows me to then keep it closed and Millee can access it whenever she needs.

We also have this cat stand, such an eye sore but she loves being up and high and gives her something to dig her claws into. 

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I have the mat at the door entry to wipe away any crystals stuck to our feet so they aren’t carried through the house

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I keep all her flea treatments, brushes, nail clippers and special treats in the laundry cupboard.  We brush her once a week, trim her nails when we notice they are getting long (maybe once every three weeks) and treat her for fleas once a month.  We give her a few Feline Dental Treats each night, this helps to keep her teeth clean and healthy.

{The Organised Housewife} Organising Pets 6 When we first got Millee as a kitten she had a funny tummy and could never keep wet food down, because of this she can only tolerate dry cat food from the Science Diet range, in particular the oral care variety.  I keep her food in a Knodd bin from Ikea at the bottom of our laundry cupboard.

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Do you have any tips on keeping your home ‘pet smell’ free?


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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.