An inexpensive laundry method to freshen up and remove sweat stains, body oils and discolouring from your clothes and bed linen.
When kids hit puberty or as we reach a particular age in life, we may experience sweating more than usual. The sweat can transfer onto clothes, pillows and bed linen, which can leave behind stains. I’ve got an easy method to remove sweat and body oil stains from clothes and linen to freshen them back up again.
I shared my super simple method on Facebook and one of the members in our community wrote to me. I loved reading this response, sometimes simple and easy really does work!
Kat, I owe you an apology. I literally had a little giggle when I read this advice you gave me, since I had tried every chemical under the sun (and including the sun). I had even used vinegar before, but neat and only as a final rinse. But, faced with the alternative of throwing out the majority of hubby’s wardrobe (and, if I’m honest, a whole bunch of mine too), I decided to give it a go anyway. I couldn’t believe it, it worked! But maybe too well – I now have a huge pile of clothes waiting for the treatment. Anyway, thanks so much. You have saved us from having to throw out what we really couldn’t afford to.
Hot water is the key to removing these oily, yellowish buildups. Place items into the washing machine before the soaking water begins to cool.
How to remove sweat stains from clothes
An inexpensive laundry method to freshen up and remove sweat stains, body oils and discolouring from your clothes and bed linen.
- Fill spray bottle with 1 part vinegar to 1 part water.
- Spray clothing/linens with the mixture.
- Soak in a bucket of hot water for 20-30 minutes.
- Wash items in washing machine as normal with laundry detergent, adding Vanish Oxyaction or Sard Wonder Super Power Powder, using amount indicated in directions on the label.
- Dry.
To remove ultra stubborn stains you could sprinkle bicarb soda onto the stained area, allow to sit for 5 minutes before soaking.
Did you know… you should not use fabric softener in the washing machine? In sweat stained clothes in particular it add’s to the build up and can make yellowing worse. Instead of using fabric softener use 1/2 cup of vinegar as you normally would fabric softener. It will naturally soften your laundry, and the vinegar smell will disappears when the fabric dries.
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