Airing my Dirty Laundry

Organised Housewives 2

This is a guest post by Fussy Eater’s Mum of Life with a Fussy Eater

No matter how much I want to be an Über Mum (painfully organised and impeccably clean) it will always be an uphill battle. Life on Fussy Farm means that I have to accept that flies, spiders and dirt will constantly challenge my cleaning abilities.

So thank goodness there are some experts; people who really are neat, tidy and organised and who can give me a sense of hope.

Martha Stewart is one of these experts. Although, even she had to acknowledge in her book, Good Things for Organizing, that “a great deal of credit must go to my housekeepers and my talented assistants … who are empowered to help with this “organising.”” In other words, she pays a lot of people to do her dirty work.

Airing my Dirty Laundry

I use to flip through the pages of her magazine and dream of a house with a linen room. I would read her tutorials on how to fold a fitted bed sheet and feel all the more smug for it, even though I still just crammed them into a ball and shoved them into a closet.

My admiration for Martha has waned over the years, mainly because of her lack of morals. In addition to a bit of insider trading, she was accused of running over her gardener because he had the audacity to complain that she hadn’t paid him. So no matter how organised she can get her pantry, she doesn’t behave like a lady.

My new organisational guru, however, is a perfect lady. She is The Organised Housewife, and unlike Martha, she does all her organising herself. So you know that it’s fair dinkum.

I subscribe to her blog and every day I get a beautiful little reminder in my mail that there is hope for Fussy Farm becoming a neat and orderly place.

I decided to put The Organised Housewife’s tips to the test and organise my laundry.

Did I mention we have spiders on Fussy Farm? And the dirt and dust? Because this is the BEFORE photo of my laundry.

To begin with, I read through all of the laundry, broom cupboard, and ironing posts that The Organised Housewife has put together. Then I took a trip to Crazy Clarke’s to purchase plastic containers; lots of plastic containers. Then I pulled out the laminating machine and made up a number of labels to stick on the outside of the boxes. And I gave it a good clean, including cleaning the washing machine.

This is the result…the AFTER or at least the PART WAY THROUGH photo.

So it really works! I have to admit that I still read most of The Organised Housewife’s post purely to day dream that my kitchen bench will gleam as brightly as hers. But it’s so comforting to know that she’s there should I need her advice. If I ever do achieve the status of Über Mum, I will be sure to credit The Organised Housewife for helping me get there.


About Guest Blogger

The Fussy Eater’s Mum is the creator of HealthyChart and the fabulous woman behind Life With A Fussy Eater. She blogs about food & nutrition, her desire to be an Uber Mum and life on Fussy Farm in rural WA.

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.