Leave your review – Moccona has changed, we aren’t going crazy!

So I know there are bigger issues out there in the world, but I take my coffee very seriously and from the response I had on social media this week, I felt the need to share this on the blog, gather your comments publically and contact Moccona to share the results to hopefully get them to do like BBQ shapes did and revert back to what was working.  

Last week I opened up a new bottle of my most favourite coffee, Moccona Classic Medium Roast. We have a fancy nespresso machine (hubby’s go-to), but I just like my simple Moccona, 3 times a day, from the kettle, with one spoonful of sugar and a dash of milk, it makes my heart sing. Anyways, I made myself a coffee from a new bottle last week and it was bad. I made myself another that afternoon thinking that I mustn’t have been concentrating and made myself a bad coffee, but it was just as bad.  I put it down to the sugar, maybe one of the kids did something to the sugar.  Nope.  OK, must have been a bad bottle of coffee, I was going to take it back.  My darling hubby stopped into the grocery store and picked me up a new jar (he looks after me). Although not impressed that I wasted $$ on full jar of unused coffee, I made my coffee with the new jar and as I was stirring it realised it smelt different, before even tasting it I knew it was going to taste disgusting.  I had both jars side by side, it’s then I saw on the label ‘now richer aroma’.  That’s for sure, aroma has changed, but so has the taste.  Moccona, what have you done???!!!

I shared a story on Instagram sharing what I had just learnt and wondered if others liked the new taste.  I had soooo many replies of poor ladies in the community thinking they were going crazy, that there was something wrong with their milk or ability to make coffee too.  Same as me!!!  I did a poll on Instagram stories, which ran for 24 hours, out of 931 votes, 751 voted they weren’t a fan of the new taste and 180 say they love it.

As I said I know there are bigger issues in the world, #firstworldproblems, but I’m picky about my coffee – I only really liked Moccona. I don’t want to diss other brands, but I just liked Moccona’s flavour.  This makes me super sad and slightly moody LOL. I had quite a few members in our Instagram community ask me to contact Moccona and share the results of my Instagram poll, however, it’s not a true reflection of my community just a small portion.  So let’s gather your responses below.

Moccona has been getting a roasting, LOL, love that line, on news sites:

Please share in the comments below if you would like to see Moccona back to its ORIGINAL Medium Roast

Simply post LOVE IT or HATE IT followed by any other feedback 

Moconna, I would sit and tell anybody that listened how much I love my morning ritual with my Moccona coffee, it warmed my heart, didn’t taste bitter or burnt, it was a great start to the day.  Sadly, I can’t bring myself to drink the new version and am now looking for new alternatives.  I truly hope that you will consider bringing back your original medium roast blend – Kat, The Organised Housewife.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.