{Decluttering} Plastic Bags

Join me in a week of decluttering. Please comment below if your able to part with today’s suggestion, I would love to hear from you. Are you following the Declutter 52 things in 52 weeks challenge, more info HERE, it’s never to late to start!

#24 Plastic Bags

Do you have a big pile of plastic bags, perhaps too many than you really need.

I keep our plastic bags in The Bag Bag.  Have you heard of these?  They are great, push in the bags in the top and when you need one they easily pull out from the bottom, storing neatly together.

When I have too many bags (eg.  too many to fit into my Bag Bag).  I return the excess bags back to the Supermarket.  Most supermarkets have a wheelie bin you can place your shopping bags in.  This is a better option than throwing them into our landfill.  I’m sure you all know the statistics that 1 bag takes between 20-1,000 years to breakdown.  When my plastic bag supply is topped up I use the enviro bags.

Uses for platic bags:

  1. Bin liners
  2. When raining, keep a few in your car and handbag to put your wet umbrella in
  3. Fill with outgrown clothes, give to charity when full
  4. When travelling place your dirty clothes in bag ready for washing when you get home
  5. Reuse for your grocery shopping
  6. Use as packing stuffers, like newspaper
  7. Wrap around your meat trays (eg. packet of mince from supermarket), to prevent meat drippings on your fridge shelf
  8. Ties around stakes to keep plants in place
  9. Give to your local charity store for them to reuse
  10. Use when cleaning out your cat litter
  11. Nappy bags
  12. Picking up dog business
  13. Store wet swimmers and beach towels to prevent sand getting everywhere
  14. Keep one in the car, easy reach, for when somebody is feeling sick
  15. Many art and craft projects, see below
  16. Cut into strips and use as ribbon for wrapping, see below

Pom Pom


Plastic Bag Bow

Wrapping Paper


Make a wreath

Make a plastic bag bag

Great plastic bag bag tutorial

Plastic Bag Storage Ideas

Plastic Bag Organiser Tutorial

Tissue box as plastic bag organiser

Paper towel roll as plastic bag organiser

How to fold plastic bags

Here are some wonderful WAHM’s that make Plastic Bag storage bags:

  • Merley’s Creations – crochet bags
  • Vicki Lorraine



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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.