I wish I never bought desks for my kids bedrooms

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

A few years ago my eldest daughter asked for a desk for her room, it was her prep year in school and I thought it was a great idea as she loved to colour and draw and I imagined in the years to follow she could do her homework at her desk.  Her twin brother didn’t have room in his bedroom for a desk, so we didn’t get him one.

I wish I never bought the desk, it is beautiful and handy to have the extra drawers and cupboard space, but she struggles to keep it tidy and she never does her homework at it.  We all sit at the dining table after an after school snack and work on spelling words, then they have computer homework tasks, we have one computer at a desk in their toy room for this.  I also much prefer them doing homework where I can see they are concentrating, writing neatly and can chat with them to see if they understand it.  However, I know when she reaches high school she will use it more, but for now she really doesn’t need it.

So because big sister had a desk, my youngest daughter wanted one too.  Now this little miss always spends time in her room, writing letters and creating beautiful artwork so I gave in and said yes.  A few years ago I found a great little desk at Kmart and bought it home.  Didn’t take me long to realise it was a bad purchase choice, it was a very basic desk, with no drawers, cupboards or shelves.  So everything she had on her desk was out on show, mess and all, again thinking why did I say yes.

Over the school holidays, after Christmas and her birthday her room looked like this

Something needed to change, it and it was clear that the desk wasn’t working and she needed one with drawers and more shelf space.

 We grabbed 2 large tubs, one for rubbish and one for donating, we then cleared all the clutter, a lot was boxes from christmas gifts and school books.  Putting most of the toys away in her wardrobe and chest of drawers, we then realised we could do away with the little bookcase.  It looks so much neater.

 I purchased her a new desk, I love that she now has shelves to put her books and nic nacs on.  I would have liked more hidden storage, eg. cupboards or drawers, but this area in her bedroom is very small and this was the best desk for this space.

You may not be able to see it in the before photo, but Miss 8 had a really good supply of pens, we have managed to dwindle it down.  This caddy is perfect as she can easily carry it down to the kitchen bench if she wants to.

I do really love these desks, but if I had the choice again, I wouldn’t buy one while they are this young for their bedrooms as we have a computer desk in the toy room, the kitchen bench and a craft area already set up.

Do you have desks in the kids rooms?

I get asked a lot about where I purchase products from, so I will start putting a list at the end of each post for you

Desk – Bambino Home

Caddy – Howards Storage World

Pink Box in desk – Kikki.k

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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