Morning Habits That Disrupt Your Routine

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

A few morning habits that are messing up your morning routine, plus some tiny tweaks that’ll change the course of your entire day!

Did you know that a few simple tweaks to your morning habits can result in a routine that runs much more smoothly. By starting our days off on the right foot we can set the tone for the entire day – and you may be surprised at just how simple these changes are to implement.

Laying In Bed Too Long

Checking Social Media: it’s something we’re all guilty of at times. We wake up, reach for our mobile phones and before we even realise what we’re doing we’ve spent 20 minutes scrolling Facebook. Consider keeping your phone on charge somewhere else in the home so that you’re not tempted to start your day this way.

Hitting The Snooze Button: by making the bedroom a no-phone zone we remove the temptation to hit snooze. Opt for an old-school alarm clock instead, and take a leaf out of Mel Robbins’ book The 5 second Rule by getting out of bed quick smart – before you have the chance to snooze that little bit longer!

Leaving The Bedroom Messy

Leaving The Bed Unmade: making the bed takes literally a couple of minutes in the morning, and it really does establish a tidy tone for the day ahead. I like to pull my sheets back whilst I have my morning shower to let it air out, and I then make it afterwards. I also love climbing into a made bed at the end of a busy day.

Leaving Curtains and Blinds Closed: open those blinds and let the sunshine flood in! A little sunshine can do wonders for the spirit and help jumpstart your enthusiasm for the day.

It’s amazing how these two very simple things – getting up quickly and letting the sun in – can be enough to set the right tone for the entire day.

Being Ill-Prepared For The Day

Skipping A Shower: everyone is different when it comes to when they prefer to shower, but I personally like to shower in the morning so I am starting the day fresh and clean. It also gets my blood moving and instantly wakes me up for the day ahead.

Not Checking Your Planner:  spend a few minutes each morning getting your head around the day ahead and planning what needs to be done. I like The Organised Daily Planner because it allows me to break my day down into time slots, as well as keep track of my to-do list, jot down what’s for dinner, and track healthy habits I’m trying to achieve (like drinking enough water each day!).

There’s also a ton of affirmations throughout both The Organised 2021 Daily Planner and Weekly Planner, making it easy to sprinkle some gratitude over your morning and the day ahead. The Weekly Planner is fabulous for anyone wanting a lighter diary that can be popped into the handbag and used to create more organised weeks.

If you have children, it’s great to get across their schedule in the mornings too. Do they have sports training, a dentist appointment or a permission slip due at school? The Organised 2021 Family Calendar is the best for this! It allows you to keep track of each family member’s appointments in the one central place. There’s even some cleaning and self-love tasks at the bottom of each month to keep your home and mind happy.

Not Fuelling Our Bodies

Skipping Breakfast: too many of us are guilty of this! Our breakfast is the fuel that kick starts our fire for your day. Breakfast doesn’t need to be a three course affair. Consider baking some healthy muffins in advance so they’re ready to grab and go from the freezer. Another fab option is a smoothie with veggies, fruit and maybe some protein powder. Get yourself a smoothie tumbler (like one of these here) so you can literally run out the door with this.

  Find my Banana Weet-Bix Muffins recipe here.

Not Drinking Water: after a full night’s sleep out bodies need hydration to get the metabolism moving again. Get a few glasses of water into you before you leave the house, and consider investing in a good quality BPA-Free water bottle (like one of these here) so you can stay hydrated whilst on the go.

What morning habit are you going to change today?

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Morning habits that disrupt your routine


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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.