Let’s get organised in March

Stop that, how is it March already?  This year has been a blur and just passed before my eyes.  I feel like I haven’t really stopped since mid January, getting the kids ready for their big roles in the wedding, then actually going to Sydney for the wedding, getting the kids ready for school, shortly after that the twins went on camp, all 3 kids and many other family members in between had birthdays and celebrations, then over the past 2 weeks I let all my 3 kids have birthday parties here at home.

Girls Birthday Party Ideas

I said last Sunday after all the girls left from the sleepover party I was going to do nothing but relax, but I had a lovely surprise of my cousin visiting (haven’t seen her in over 10 or so years). So we chatted for hours, then had to run Miss 13 to the shops, so sadly there was no rest.  So this past weekend I made sure I rested!  I needed it, just to recoup.

I started the Jenny Craig program last week, my first weigh in is tomorrow.  I am proud to stay I have stuck to it, eating exactly what they have told me (except for one night where I went out to dinner with friends).  The meals are quite small, I am managing to eat a majority of the main meals, leaving a 1/4 behind so I can eat some fresh salad or vegetables with it.  I feel I am eating more throughout the day than I normally do (I wasn’t regularly eating enough before).  This is a good thing as it is making me stop and eat a snack, which is mostly fruit, I would rarely eat fruit so this is a good habit to get into.  So far most of the meals have been tasty and I haven’t felt like I am missing out on what the rest of the family are eating.  However, they have asked me to replace sugar in my coffee with artificial sweeteners, but for personal reasons I won’t use artificial sweeteners, ever.  So over the next month I will just try to cut out sugar from my coffee… which I think I should be able to do. I have managed since the beginning of the year to cut down from 3 or 4 coffees a day to 1 and from 2 sugars to 1.  I can do it!! Looking forward to sharing some results with you next month. Are you on the Jenny Craig program, how are you going?

Let’s get organised in March

When I first started the blog I used to share a monthly planning post, which used to coincide with a daily task at the beginning of each month.  It’s today’s task actually, which I give you in my daily newsletter and on my facebook page “Prepare for the month ahead”. Sounds easy, but what shall we plan?

Personally, by sharing this post each month it will be a great time for me to let you know how I am going, I love the accountability I have with you all!!

Accountability – February to-do list

This was my list of goals for February, I want to share with you how I went:

Plan and organise 3 kids birthday parties – I did it, it was a crazy 2 weeks, but I would do it all again in a heartbeat, the kids had a blast with their friends.  Read about Miss 11’s party here and will publish all about the twins parties soon.

Create a space for the kids school bags – I made some space in our linen cupboard for the kids to put their school bags and hats in, sadly we don’t have the wall space like we did at our old place, so for now this is working for us.

Let's get organised in March

Continue being kind to myself and stopping when I find I am tired – I am looking after myself.  Even though I feel like I have 101+ tasks on my to-do list, I am taking Wednesday as my day off, away from the office, away from technology. Those tasks will be there the next day. I have been meeting up with friends for coffee and take this day as a day to look after me, be it doctors appointment or to see my chiropractor to help ease my back pain, this is my day to schedule in these types of appointments.  I am not using busy as an excuse anymore.

Get my full health check with the GP – I had my full health check. I saw a new GP and she is amazing, very thoroughly checked me all over and did many blood tests. Thankfully I am fine, apart from high cholesterol there was nothing abnormal, thyroid is fine (surprising as I thought this may be the cause to all my issues), haven’t had glandular fever.  The fatigue can be the result from a virus I had last year, this is hard to pinpoint, but she feels with the changes I am making to my diet and exercise we can get through this.

Organise Miss 11’s bedroom – we made a start, tidied all surfaces and her desk, now just need to organise her wardrobe.  I found this wooden mirror at Target, uber cheap, and have it resting above her drawers. Hello sign is from target too.

Let's get organised in March

Find a sport for Mr 13 to sign up to for the year – Mr 13 is a black belt in karate, he LOVED it, although all 3 kids stopped karate when they started their new school last year, just to be able to have the time for all their schooling commitments. However Mr 13 missed doing a sport out of school (girls do netball), he is not a ball sports kinda boy and enjoyed certain elements of his karate, sparring and grappling. So we did some research and found a Mixed Martial Arts gym close by that focuses on these specific things he loves.  Ooh the smile on his face when he came home after the first session….. it’s what he really enjoys.

March to-do list

This is my list of goals I want to try to do this month:

  • Find a stand up desk, I really need to look after my back more
  • Book in for my annual skin check
  • Start planning for Easter
  • Get into a routine of taking my vitamins every day
  • Cut out sugar from my coffee
  • Start a herb garden

I’ve created a printable, March 2016 Monthly planner page to help you organise your goals for the month. It has a little quote for some inspiration for you:

you must do the things you think you cannot do – Eleanor Roosevelt

Click here to download – sorry this content is no longer available

Let's get organised in March

March Free Monthly Calendar

Use the 2016 free monthly calendar, Weekly Planner or Daily Planner to help you plan your days through the month.

Plan your month

Ideas to add the following to your calendar:

  • Birthdays & Anniversaries
  • Holidays
  • Public Holidays, find dates here
  • School term start and end dates here
  • Pupil free school days
  • School events, discos, fun days
  • If family/friends are coming to stay
  • Business trips
  • Hairdresser/beauty appointments
  • Dentist checkups
  • Health checkups
  • Time to sit down and meal plan
  • Plan an upcoming holiday
  • Immunisation for kids and pets
  • Time out for YOU!
  • Date night
  • Girls night out
  • Family fun day

March Birthstone is: Aquamarine

What goals do you have this month, personally or around the home?

How did you go with your goals last month?

March 2016 Monthly Planning Page PIN

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.